Antioch University Dissertations & Theses
Video : Innovative ETD Award Acceptance - 2009 - Raquel Delores Gutierrez
Submissions from 2020
Confusing Conversations: Assessing Traumatic Stress in Young Children, Jennifer Lela Moniz
Persistence of Jewish-Muslim Reconciliatory Activism in the Face of Threats and “Terrorism” (Real and Perceived) From All Sides, Micah B.D.C. Naziri
Does the Intake Method Affect Client Return Rate in a Community Counseling Center?, Ronald J. Nielsen
Assessing Benefits and Barriers to Deployment of Solar Mini Grids in Ghanaian Rural Island Communities, Jude T. Nuru
Cultural Constructions of Sexual Relationships Between Female Teachers and Male Students, Tessa M. Palmer
Social-Emotional Climate in the Community College Classroom: An Action Research Study Investigating the Impact of Real-Time Student Feedback to Instructors, Angela E. Quitadamo
Resilience in Adult Women Who Experienced Early Mother Loss, Elizabeth Schmitz-Binnall
To Empathize or iEmpathize: Social Networking and Adolescent Female Friendships, Jennifer A. Schonberg
Saving a Seat for a Sister: A Grounded Theory Approach Exploring the Journey of Women Reaching Top Policing Executive Positions, Nicola D. Smith-Kea
Amphibian Species Richness and Distribution in Vernal Pools at Glover’s Ledge, Langdon, NH, Kimberly Snyder
Bhutanese Refugee Families’ Experience In Community Engagement and Its Influence On Their Family Relationships, Jinsook Song
Contextual Creativity and the Experience of Cultural Pivoting in the Workplace, Jeanine Soucie
Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Opportunities for Reducing Human-Wolf Conflicts in Mongolia, Tuul Sukhbaatar
Living Through the Chilean Coup d’Etat: The Second-Generation’s Reflection on Their Sense of Agency, Civic Engagement and Democracy, Denise Tala Diaz
Motivating Clients to Exercise: Improving Adherence to Exercise-Based Treatment through Psychoeducation, Reed Andrew Vierra
Stepping Outside: A Quantitative Study Exploring Nature’s Effect on Therapist Compassion, Dana N. Vitrano
The Construction and Impact of Power in Cross-Sector Partnerships: An Interpretive Phenomenological Study, Kimberly Allyn Walker
Teachers’ Experiences of School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports: A Qualitative Study, Eric Walter
Using Environmental Identity To Promote Environmental Concern and Willingness To Participate In Endangered Species Conservation, Christina M. Wesolek
Ethical Leadership: Life Story of George Ciampa, U.S. WWII Military Veteran and Community Leader, Susan M. Wiedemann
Why Patients Miss Appointments at an Integrated Primary Care Clinic, Katherine Lambos Wilsey
Taking Off in Africa: Critical Elements of Aircraft Engine Manufacturer Engagement That Can Affect Airline Safety Performance, Nathan Michael Woods
Submissions from 2019
Developing and Sustaining Political Citizenship for Poor and Marginalized People: The Evelyn T. Butts Story, Kenneth Cooper Alexander
Forgotten Victims: Understanding Latino/a Non-Offending Parents of Sexually Abused Children, Alba Rocio Andrade
Emerging Adults’ Experiences of Agency in Higher Education Decisions, Leah B. Benjamin
The Role of Emotional Overcontrol in the Acceptance of Counselor Training Feedback, R. Erin W. Berzins
Sexual Dysfunction: Providers’ Willingness to Ask LGBQ Veterans About their Sexual Functioning, Melanie A. Brayman
The Trust Decoder™: An Examination of an Individual's Developmental Readiness to Trust in the Workplace, Molly Breysse Cox
Blurred Lines Between Role and Reality: A Phenomenological Study of Acting, Gregory Hyppolyte Brown
Sexual Desire as Experienced by South Asian Women Living in British Columbia, Seema M. Buksh
Striving for Credibility in the Face of Ambiguity: A Grounded Theory Study of Extreme Hardship Immigration Psychological Evaluations, Susan M. Burke
The Experience of Pregnant Women in Remission from Anorexia Nervosa, Meghan Butcher
Polyamorous Millenials in Therapy: Interpreting Experiences to Inform Care, Rebecca Calhoun-Shepard
Examining the Relationship Between Alcohol Use and Work in the Professional Theater, Michael A. Carollo
Diabetes Management for Low-Income Patients: Within-Case Analyses in Primary Care, Samuel Collier
A Multi-Scale Analysis of Jaguar (Panthera onca) and Puma (Puma concolor) Habitat Selection and Conservation in the Narrowest Section of Panama., Kimberly A. Craighead
Helping Animals, Helping Ourselves: Reciprocal Benefits of Prosocial Behaviors Directed Toward Animals, Casey A. Culligan
Exploring the Effectiveness of Social and Digital Media Communications on Organization-Public Relationship Building with Employees, Iris Cumberbatch
Cultural influence on the assessment of adjudicative competency: A grounded theory, Shawn D. Curtis
Emergence: Developing Worldview in the Environmental Humanities, Rhonda D. Davis
Home Range, Habitat Use and Thermal Ecology of the Florida Box Turtle (Terrapene bauri) on an Anthropogenic Island in Southwestern Florida, Christina Demetrio
Centuries of Navigating Resistance and Change: Exploring the Persistence of Mongolian Women Leaders, Holly D. Diaz
The Provision of Psychological Assessment Feedback to Children: A Survey of Practitioners, Caitlin P. Dolan
Descriptive Phenomenological Analysis of Influences to Death Anxiety, Michelle M. Ehle
Mothering the Aggressive Child, Katja Ermann
Managing Professional Roles in Home-Based Family Therapy: A Study of Marriage and Family Therapist Practices, Sharon Fitzgerald
The Lived Experience of Low-Income Single Mothers in the U.S. and the Effects of Nature as a Psychotherapeutic Tool in Their Treatment, Suzanne L. Frost
ACEs Wild: Making Meaning out of Trauma Through Altruism Born of Suffering, Jessica Gibson
United I Stand: An Investigation of Power Distance Value and Endorsement of the Great Man Theory Through American Social Identities, Jeffrey M. Girton
Expectancies as a Predictor of Prescription Stimulant Use Among Medical Students, Katherine Gorman
Family Estrangement and Hospital Readmission Rates Among Severely Mentally Ill Adults, Jenna A. Gunnels
Insomnia, Race, and Mental Wellness, Debbie D. Hendley
Following the Seed: Investigating Seed Saving and Network Creation in the Appalachian Region of Southeastern Ohio, Molly Hicks
Women’s Lived Experiences of Gender Microaggressions: Dental Hygienists’ Stories, Karin E. Hovey
The Experiences of African American Marriage and Family Therapists: Their Contributions to the Marriage and Family Therapy Field, Leila Linntoya James
Growth after Developmental Trauma: A Co-Constructed Story, Naydine Johney
The Role and Effect of Mindfulness In Intimate Relationships, Mazyar Karandish
Mayors and Chief Administrative Officers Relationships: Aspects of Functional Relationships, Robert Arni Long
Phenomenological Experience of Mexican Curanderismo, Yoseline P. Lopez-Marroquin
Habitat Characteristics and Nesting Ecology of Golden Eagles in Arizona, Michele J. Losee
Alpine Plant Communities of the White Mountains of New Hampshire: Aboveground Plant Diversity and Abundance Correlated to Belowground Factors, Timothy Maddalena-Lucey
Residential Needs of Adolescent Females: A Feminist Perspective, Elizabeth Manley
Servant Leadership Characteristics and Empathic Care: Developing a Culture of Empathy in the Healthcare Setting, Mark Anthony Martin
Involuntary "Whiteness": The Acculturation of Black Doctoral Female Students in the Field of Clinical Psychology, Carmela A. Maxell-Harrison
Parental Involvement and the Mental Health of Adolescents with Chronic Pain, Amanda Mikedis
Therapist Attachment and Meaning-Making in Adolescent Residential Treatment, Lisa J. Milone
Intersectionality: Engaging the Epistemology of Leadership Theory, Carolyn J. Morales
Sexually Objectifying Microaggressions in Film: Using Entertainment for Clinical and Educational Purposes, Jackie M. Nelson
Internalized Homophobia of LGB Emerging Adults: Identity Complexities and Mental Health, Emily Christine Newbury
“We’re Together”: An Exploration of Interracial Couples’ Perceptions of Support and Relational Therapy, Maxine Notice
Hiring the “Other”—A Biographical Narrative Inquiry of Progressive Human Resource Professionals, William R. Osmun
Childhood Witnessing of Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Character Development Across Time and Adulthood Relationships, Zena Ouzounian
Voices of Bangladeshi Environmental Youth Leaders: A Narrative Study, Paige Pappianne
Integrated Primary Care: Development of a Patient Satisfaction Measure, Sarah C. Pearson
The Role of the Black Church in Addressing Collateral Damage From the U.S. War on Drugs, Donald L. Perryman
The Impact of Racism on the Personal and Professional Lives of Student Affairs Professionals: A Mixed Methods Study, Trent A. Pinto
Evaluation of the Veteran Resilience Project, Shon Powell
Come Together: Inclusive Leadership and Public Relations Education, Heather Paige Preston
Introducing Shame Resilience to Women Who Struggle with Complex Trauma and Substance Abuse, Kirsten R. Robertson
Graduate Student Competencies in Working with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth, Rachael Roberts
Computer Multitasking in the Classroom: Training to Attend or Wander?, Elizabeth A. Rogers
Foreign-Born Doctoral-Level Counselor Supervisors' Use and Experience of Supervision Theories/Models, Keiko Sano
Discovering Themes: Disability Identity Development as it Pertains to People Born with Spina Bifida, Elizabeth H. Scriven
The Experience of Relapse After Long-Term Sobriety and Subsequent Return to Sobriety, Bahram Edward Kaikhosrow Shahrokh
Veterans’ Help-Seeking and Spousal Support for PTSD: A Preliminary Study, Kimberly S. Sollows
Caregivers' Experience in Wraparound: A Qualitative Study, Mackenzie Soniak
The Rorschach’s (R-PAS) Capacity to Predict Quality of the Working Alliance, Jordan G. Stewart
Glocalizing Community Heritage Tourism in Two African American Communities in Miami, Graylyn Swilley-Woods
Alcohol Misuse Among Veterans: Implications for Better Treatment, Annie Taylor
The Good Bloke in Contemporary Australian Workplaces: Origins, Qualities and Impacts of a National Cultural Archetype in Small For-Profit Businesses, Christopher George Taylor
Mothers’ Religious Influence on Children Experiencing Trauma: Haiti Community Clinic Focus Groups, Ashland C. Thompson
Risk Management for Persons with Serious Mental Illness: A Process Analysis of Washington State Department of Corrections' Tools, Martin J. Tobin
Psychologists' Use of Dogs in Psychotherapy: A Therapeutic Exploration, Christine A. Treece
Is It Who Am I or Who Do You Think I Am? Identity Development of Adolescents With Substance Use Disorders, Danielle N. Treiber
Environmental Policy Assessment in the Ghanaian Gold Mining Industry: Insights from Stakeholders, Francis Tuokuu