Antioch University Dissertations & Theses
Video : Innovative ETD Award Acceptance - 2009 - Raquel Delores Gutierrez
Submissions from 2025
Experiences of Exemplary Supervisors Promoting Workplace Dignity Across Social Identity Differences, Emily Joy Aiken
Caretaker of Captors: The Experience of Role Conflict Among State Correctional Officers, Camille M. Botticelli-Pohl
Teaching Towards Connection and Love for Place through a Kinship/Indigenous Worldview: A Critical Pedagogy of Place, Rita Monique Bouchard
Exploring the Ethics of Social Media in the Counseling Field, Kaitlynn Cornell-Mullane
Exploring Help-Seeking Experiences and Barriers of Ethnic and Racially Marginalized Individuals with OCD in the United States, Nayara Aparecida Da Costa Silva Beall
Nature Interaction Assists with Coping and Resilience: An Interaction Pattern Approach with Adolescents with Histories of Trauma in a Youth Group Home, Chrystal L. Dunker
Weaving Threads of Identity: A Qualitative Study on Reconnecting Indigenous Folx, Rachael L. Fuller
Journey to Well-Being: An Exploration of Thrivership Post-Domestic Violence, Kader Gumus
Exploring the Mental Health of Korean-American Elderly Immigrants, Iris Minkyung Kim
Unmasking the Nexus of Race, Ethnicity, and Health: An Intersectional Analysis of the Epistemology of Race in Medicine, Medical Curricula, and Health Disparities, Antoinette Leonard-Jean Charles
Shaping leadership: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Inspirational Moments, Sabine Mathilde Maiberger
A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of Gay White Men In Mid-level Student Affairs Leadership Roles, S. Craig Mourton
Stigma of Obesity and Healthcare Utilization, Moya A. O'Leary
The Survival of an American Theater: An Intrinsic and Historical Case Study of the Success of Arena Stage, Kay Oliver
Scrupulosity: A Comprehensive Review of the Research, Julie M. Painley
Lend Me Your Hands: Engaging Waldorf Teachers in Pedagogical Puppetry for Student Growth, Corinna Rezzelle-Pennypacker
Adults Drug Court Model's Review: A Case Study, Byron R. Titus
The Lived Experiences of Trauma in Autistic Adults: A Thematic Analysis, Briana Trageser
Restorative Leadership: A Generative Exploration with Women School Leaders, Camille Rénée Pauline Tyson Jacobs
Embracing The Both/And: Learning from the Lived Experiences of White Facilitators of Racial Equity Workshops, Alicia M. Wargo
Submissions from 2024
Lead Poisoning in Children: A Preventable Disease, Heather Aaron
Therapist Competency Using Transference-Focused Psychotherapy to Treat Borderline Personality Disorder., Rachel J. Altman
EMDR Gaming Recovery and Insight Protocol (E-GRIP): An Approach For Treating Video Game Addiction, Manjit Bath
Exploring the Impact of Early Adversity on Young Children with Autism, Kelsea M. Batista
Inclusive Theory of Change Development for a Social Enterprise, Megan A. Bolton
The Role of School Leadership in Setting the Conditions for Impactful, Sustained Social Justice Professional Development, Rod C. Bowen
Experiences of Counselors Working with Adolescents, Allison Bradford Chow
Midas’ Children: Affluent White Families and the Effects of Parental Bias on Child Outcomes, J. Sema Bruno
Exploring Viability in Help-Seeking Attitudes and Preferences Among Black Christian Churchgoers: A Case for Interprofessional Collaboration Between Black Churches and Mental Health Professionals, Samanda Bryant Hagan
From the Ground Up: A Complex Systems Approach to Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture, Karen Buchsbaum
Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multiple Case Study Exploring Faculty Experiences in Fostering Positive Interaction with U.S.-Based Undergraduate Students, Lauren J. Bullock
The College Sexual Violence Epidemic: Examining Prevention and Response Procedures, Casey Buonocore
A Critical Incident Analysis of Humanizing Interactions Between Correctional Officers and People who are Incarcerated, Aimee Califano
How Team Engagement Improved Positive Behavior Intervention and Support, Colleen Canty
Marginalized Sexual- And Gender-Identified Clients in University Counseling Centers: Best Psychotherapy Practices, Sara M. Cauley
My World's on Fire, How 'bout Yours? An Investigation of How Privilege Fosters and Maintains Climate Denial, Morgan A. Chester
Relationships Between White Psychology Trainees’ Multicultural Competence and Racial Affect in the Pandemic, Daniella L. Colb
Exploring Staff Perceptions of Meaningful Interactions with Leaders in Local Government, Brigette R. Collins
My Ethic of Care: A Grounded Theory Study of Professional Staff Experiences in Small Private Universities, Karen E. Crist
An Organic Inquiry into Teacher Experiences of Self-Healing, Alison Davis
The Effects of Confession Evidence and Defendant Race on Juror Perceptions, Victoria E. Dodge
Understanding the Experience of Mothers in Higher Education During the Covid-19 Era, Shannan L. Engel
Historical Trauma Informed Approach to Treatment: A Proposed Suicide Prevention Program for Native American Youth, Christine E. Faris
Like, Comment, Subscribe, and Share: An Investigation of Emerging Adults’ Lived Experiences of Relationship Information on Social Media, Marquitta Fields
Doing the Impossible: Dealing with False Beliefs, Yuliya Filippovska
The Grief of Identity Formation: How Non-Death Loss Complicates Trans Identity Narratives, R. Frank
Examining Social Identity Among Urban School Leaders: A Case Study of Five Principals In New York City, Victor G. Frias Jr.
Ideals of Benevolence, Acts of Dysconsciousness: White Women's Pursuit of Diversity in Nonprofits, Tessa A. Fulmer
Are They Well? Examining Emotional Intelligence Competencies of Female College Athletes, Anne E. Funke
Educators Remedying Linguicism Through Critical Language Awareness and Critical Trans/Multilingualism: Towards Planetary Justice, Kate Alice Garnett
Needs Assessment for Sexual Violence Trauma-Informed Care in the Dental Field, Joshua Garufi
The Pulse of Connection: Professors' Experience of Positive Relationships with Students–An Interpretative Phenomenology and Photovoice Study, Ileya N. Grosman
The Anatomy of Physician Fulfillment: Strategies Beyond Burnout, Brook Hale
Racial Trauma: The Silent Killer Among High School Students of Color, Shedana Hayes-Agent
Narratives That Perpetuate, Narratives That Disrupt, and Narratives That Heal: One Teacher’s Exploration of Decoloniality, Alison Packwood Henry
Romantic Relationships and Adult Third Culture Kids, Samantha B. Hoffmann
The Lived Experience of African American Women Leaders in Georgia Law Enforcement: Advances, Barriers, and Impact on Performance, Juantisa X. Hughes
Homeplace: An Afterschool Club for Adolescent Black Girls at a Predominantly White Middle School, Jana L. Johnson-Davis
Aging in Place with a Warming Climate: Housing Design and Policies for Aging with Extreme Heat, Nichole M. Kain
The Impact of Acculturation on the Marital Relationship of Iranian Immigrants, Hassan Kalantari
From East to West: Exploring the Mental Health of Punjabi Immigrants Residing in British Columbia, Jasleen Kaur
Measures to Assess the Competence of Supervisors of Provisionally Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Jennifer S. Kennett
Disability in Education from a Neurodiversity Standpoint: A Multi-Article Dissertation, Isabelle Kluge
Alleviating Loneliness in Older Adults Using Polyvagal Theory Exercises, Helen Kornfeld
How Can the Learning Environment be Designed to Encourage Sense of Belonging for Students in Higher Education?, Louisa Elizabeth Krause
True Culture at War With Colonizer Culture: The Underrepresentation of Pacific Islander Students in Higher Education., Loriann A. Leota
BIPOC Faculty Processing Of Microagressions, Gladys Lopez Guitron
Navigating the Noise: Implications of Increasing Ship Noise for an Arctic Ocean Soundscape, Andrea Lynn
The Lived Experiences of Sex Offenders: Perceptions of Pedophilic Offenders Regarding Engagement in Community Treatment, Ali K. Madrid
An Investigation into Perception of the Correlation Between the College People Attend and Their Long-Term Happiness, Gary F. Madvin
The Impact of a Virtual Wilderness on Subjective Happiness: Enhancing Happiness Through Nature Imagery, Brittany Magid
The Power of Her Voice: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study Exploring the Career Experiences of Women Middle-Level Leaders, Cynthia Mako Robinson
Male Collegiate Student-Athletes Masculinity and Attitudes Toward Mental Health Seeking, Jennifer L. Mayette
The Relationship of Workplace Support, Job Control, and Burnout in Nurses, Shannon A. McCleery
The Impact on Psychologists in California of the Rapid Shift to Teletherapy due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in March 2020, Oriana McGee
The Pursuit of Happiness: Freedom and Well-Being in Positive Psychology, Kevin J. McKenzie
Designing a Transdisciplinary, Critical Place-Based Ethnic Studies Curriculum Around a Historic Black Neighborhood in St. Louis, Sarah McVoy Miller
Enhancing Planetary Well-being Through "With-ness" Pedagogy in Social Emotional Learning: Critical Theoretical Engagements, Lynsey Helen Mori
Mapping the Historical Discourse of a Right-To-Read Claim: A Situational Analysis, Mursalata Muhammad
Indigenous Culture and the Path to Democracy: An In-Depth Case Study of Ghana's Democratization Process, 1992 – Present, Nana Quame Owusu-Nti
Parentification and the Protective Factor of Familismo in the Latine Community, Leury Peña
The Lived Experience of the Covid-19 Pandemic among Mandate-Resistant Adults in Washington State, Amber N. Peterson
Productivity in Private Practice: Experiences and Best Practices of Mental Health Counselors, Mark C. Pilger
Posttraumatic Growth Following Pregnancy Loss, Megan Pinette
Graduate Students' Accessibility to Human Sexuality Training, Samantha B. Rotay
Ain’t I A Survivor Too: Contextualizing Black Women’s Experience of Sexual Trauma and Healing, Danielle Alyssa Samuel
Anne, Martin, Emmett, and Harriet: Plays About Anne Frank and Historical African American Personages, Erin R. Scheidegger-Menendez
Examining Multicultural Leadership Development Practices in Counselor Education to Foster Future Leaders, Katie N. Schmitz
The Development of Internalized Sexism in Young Adult Women, Kylie Schwabe