Antioch University Dissertations & Theses
Video : Innovative ETD Award Acceptance - 2009 - Raquel Delores Gutierrez
Submissions from 2017
Effects of A Mindfulness-Based Mobile Application on Empathy and Mindfulness with Psychotherapists, Sarah M. Kopencey
The Development of Intrinsic Motivation in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Carissa Jean Krapf
Adolescents' Self-Described Transformations and Their Alignment with Transformative Learning Theory, Katie Titus Larson
Exploring Acceptable Alternatives to Psychotherapy for Distressed Clients in Integrated Primary Care, Paul N. Leandri
Leading Change in Complex Systems: A Paradigm Shift, Cheryl LeMaster
Attune With Baby: An Innovative Attunement Program for Parents and Families With Integrated Evaluation, Sara Beth Lohre
First Mothers/Birth Mothers: Social Support and Long-Term Psychological Stress and Growth, Megan L. Lyons
Practicing Sacred Encounters: A Narrative Analysis of Relational, Spiritual, and Nursing Leadership, Margaret Woodrow Mark
Iraqi Refugees and Cultural Humility: A Mental Health Professional Training Program, Megan Brunmier Marsh
From Dawn to Dan: The Journey of Karate Masters., Brandon W. Maynard
Trans Gender Identities and Language: Interviews with Recent College Graduates, Kelsey Moran
Service Members’ Perspectives on Treatment: Bridging the Military-Civilian Divide, Kevin R. O'Leary
Understanding the Experience of Immigration Among Adult Mexican-Born Males Living in the United States: An Exploration of Grief, Loss, and Coping, Mauricio B. Ortiz
Immersive Cultural Plunge: How Mental Health Trainees Can Exercise Cultural Competence With African American Descendants of Chattel Slaves A Qualitative Study, Clandis V. Payne
Childrearing Challenges in Parental ADHD: A Pilot Study and Proposed Research Design, David Porrino
Significant and Impactful Experiences in Clinical Supervision: Relational Connection and Disconnection in the Current Cultural Clearing, Cailin Qualliotine
Hysterectomy, Metaphor, and Voice: An Exploratory Study of Surgery Experiences, Katherine M. Russell
Reducing Adolescent Anger and Aggression with Biofeedback: A Mixed-Methods Multiple Case Study, Jedidiah S. Savard
Comparison of Implicit Thought and Learning in Individuals with Schizophrenia, Camilla Seippel
Psychologists' Hope for Recovery at First Diagnosis Schizophrenia: A Training Model, Marissa Sicley-Rogers
The Application of Western Models of Psychotherapy by Indian Psychotherapists in India: A Grounded Theory, Gurjeet Sidhu
The Enigmatic "Cross-Over" Leadership Life of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955), Greer Charlotte Stanford-Randle
A Day in the Life of a Sim: Making Meaning of Video Game Avatars and Behaviors, Jessica Stark
The Experience of Qigong Among Women Cancer Survivors, Jennifer Sveund
Young Adults in Transition: Factors that Support and Hinder Growth and Change, Mona Treadway
Lived Experience of Military Mental Health Clinicians: Provided Care to OIF and OEF Active Duty Service Members Experiencing War Stress Injury, David W. Vandegrift
Spiritual Journeys: A Study of Ifá /Òrìṣà Practitioners in the United States Initiated in Nigeria, Tony Van Der Meer
Journey To Success: Lessons From Successful Same-Sex Couples, Jeni L. Wahlig
An exploration into the lived experience of the Jazz Funeral, Caryn R. Whitacre
Understanding Community Character as a Socio-ecological Framework to Enhance Local-scale Adaptation: An Interdisciplinary Case Study from Rural Northwest Connecticut, Joanna Wozniak-Brown
Submissions from 2016
Positive Organizational Leadership and Pro-Environmental Behavior: The Phenomenon of Institutional Fossil Fuel Divestment, Abigail Abrash Walton
Peer-Mediated Sandplay and Symbolic Play in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Meagan Adley
Artistic Drawing as a Mnemonic Device, Leslie Michelle Baker Christensen
Investigating the Use of Creative Mask-Making as a Means to Explore Professional Identity of Doctoral Psychology Students, Laura Louise Bentley
Demographic Characteristics and Trauma Symptomology in Juvenile Justice Residents at Echo Glen Children's Center, Britta L. Bergan
On Contemporary Leadership and Branded Organizations, Mark Bloemhard
Utopia: An Integrated Stepped-Care Program for Stress Reduction, Antoinette Cornute Booth
The Lived Experience of Facilitating the Violet Oaklander Model of Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Blake Brisbois
The Development of the Creative Synergy Scale, Amy E. Climer
Building & Measuring Psychological Capacity for Biodiversity Conservation, Kayla A. Cranston
Supporting Student Veterans Utilizing Participatory Curriculum Development, Bryce A. Doehne
Effective Combat Leadership: How do Individual, Social, and Organizational Factors in the U.S. Army Reserve Cultivate Effective Women's Leadership in Dangerous Contexts?, Diana Drita Ellerman
The Drive to Write: Inside the Writing Lives of Five Fiction Authors, Emily S. Fine
Black and White Multiracial Adult Womens' Experience of Their Physical Appearance: A Qualitative Descriptive Phenomenological Analysis, Vanessa Geissler
Racial Integration in One Cumberland Presbyterian Congregation: Intentionality and Reflection in Small Group, Carolyn Smith Goings
The Remembered Experience of Adoption: Factors Supporting Healthy Adjustment, Crystal R. Gonsalves
The Relationship Between Empathy and Humor Styles and Secondary Traumatic Stress in the Public Mental Health Workplace, Michelle Greenspoon Barrett
A Review of Factors Contributing to the Shortage of Palliative Care Service for Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Patients, Erin K. Harper
African American Women in Leadership Positions: A Qualitative Study, Carl Harrison Jr.
Factors Influencing Father Involvement With Children Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Kayleigh E. Hay
Narratives of Aging and Patient Activation, T. A. Hulslander
What Are the Key Qualities and Skills of Effective Team Coaches?, William Jacox
Secondary Traumatic Stress, Compassion Fatigue, and Burnout: How Working In Correctional Settings Affects Mental Health Providers, Nykia S. Johnson
Making Meaning Together: The role of interpretation during a short-term nature excursion, Kate Jurow
Bind, Tether, and Transcend: Achieving Integration Through Extra-Therapeutic Dance, Megan M. Kain
Experiences of Neurotypical Siblings of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Exploration, Stacie R. Keirsey
Designing for Online Collaborations and Local Environmental Action In Citizen Science: A Multiple Case Study, Ruth Kermish-Allen
Canadian Nurse Leaders' Experiences with and Perceptions of Moral Distress: An Interpretive Descriptive Study, Jodi-rae Kortje
Pebbles Under the Tongue: A Qualitative Investigation of Parents Who Stutter, Craig Matthew Kramer
Does Teaching Parents Emotion-Coaching Strategies Change Parental Perception of Children's Negative Emotions?, Eric LaBass
Embera Drua: The Impact of Tourism on Indigenous Village Life in Panama, Amy Lethbridge
Medication Assisted Treatment and the Three Legged Stool: Medical Providers, Chemical Dependency Professionals, and Clients, Steven Matt Magrath
Nature as Spiritual Lived Experience: How Five Christian Theologians Encounter the Spirit In and Through the Natural World, Brad A. Martell
The Happy Boomer: Baby Boomer Life Satisfaction Through Affect and Feeling of Belonging, Brooke Christina-Marie Massey
An Exploration of Moral Injury as Experienced by Combat Veterans, Marjorie M. McCarthy
Clinician Perspectives on Community Reentry for Mentally Ill Offenders in New York, Lauren C. Meath
Leading by Design: Physicians in Training and Leadership Awareness, Meridithe Anne Mendelsohn
Frequencies Between Serial Killer Typology and Theorized Etiological Factors., Leryn R. Messori
The Efficacy of Psychosocial Services in Comprehensive Cancer Care: A Program Evaluation, Nicola B. Mucci
An Exploration of the Experience of Female Same-Sex Marriage, Melissa Rose Mulick
The Deserving Patient: Blame, Dependency, and Impairment in Discourses of Chronic Pain and Opioid Use, Maureen Nickerson
A Method to My Quietness: A Grounded Theory Study of Living and Leading with Introversion, Leatrice Oram
Vicarious Battering: The Experience of Intervening at a Domestic Violence-Focused Supervised Visitation Center, Tracee Parker
Distress Among Psychologists: Prevalence, Barriers, and Remedies for Accessing Mental Health Care, Kimberly Patterson-Hyatt
The Stress-Buffering Model of Social Support in Post-Acute Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Emily Anna Pearce
A Phenomenological Study of East African Refugee Mothers' Experiences of Trauma and How It Affects Parenting, Binh Hoa Pham
The Mutual Interaction of Online and Offline Identities in Massively Multiplayer Online Communities: A Study of EVE Online Players, Matthew J. Ponsford
An Analysis of Psychologist Postdoctoral Psychopharmacology Training Materials for Critiques of Neurobiological Hypotheses of Depression's Etiology, Critical Analyses of the DSM's Rigor, and for Consumer/Survivor/Ex-Patient Content., Chris William Nicholas Rowe
Opportunities for Conversion to More Sustainable Practices by Houses of Worship through Team Performance Enhancing Strategies that Include Leadership with Facilitative Skills, Carolina Del Carmen Saiz
Intercultural Competence Development through Civic Engagement, Ruta Shah-Gordon
Piglets and Perspectives: Exploring Sustainability Communication Through Participatory Filmmaking, Dyanna Innes Smith
Experiencing the Death of a Formerly Abusive Parent, Heather Spence
Identifying Therapeutic Alliance Patterns Among a Feasible Clinical Measure to Improve Treatment Outcome, Tara Marie Staehlin
Distribution of and relationship between medically classified weight and self-perceived body size across sexual orientation: An Add Health analysis, Ashley J. Strauss
Incarcerated Men and the Etiology of Intimate Partner Violence, Roxanne Swogger
Influencing Behavior During Planned Culture Change: A Participatory Action Research Case Study, Michael Valentine
Collaboration in Conservation Networks: Regional Conservation Partnerships in New England, Jill L. Weiss
Mother Making: How First Time Mothers Develop a Parenting Practice in Contemporary America, Stephanie A. Wright
Psychoneuroimmunology: Enhancing Treatment Efficacy and Reducing Sexual Offender Recidivism In Court-Mandated Treatment, Cameron F. Zeidler
Submissions from 2015
Haitian Children's House-Tree-Person Drawings: Global Similarities and Cultural Differences, Abimbola Afolayan
A Narrative Inquiry: Case Leaders' Perspectives on Resilience in Hospice Care, Gail Renee Ahern
Loneliness and Perceived Stigmatization Among Older Adults Enrolled in Opiate Substitution Treatment Programs and the Utilization of Mental Health Services, Jennifer B. Armstrong
Grandmothers' Leadership Roles as Reflected in the Lives of High-Achieving Women: A Qualitative Study of the Impact of Grandmothers on Granddaughters During Their Formative Years, Sylvia E.M. Asante
Utilization of Placebo Response in Double-Blind Psychopharmacological Studies, Contextual Perspective, Margarita Olegovna Ashirova
Character Strengths of Students At Risk of Dropping Out of High School, Sarah Baker
Organizational Leaders’ Experience with Fear-Related Emotions: A Critical Incident Study, Al Barkouli