Antioch University Dissertations & Theses
Video : Innovative ETD Award Acceptance - 2009 - Raquel Delores Gutierrez
Submissions from 2015
Undergraduate Catholic Lesbians: The Intersection of Religious and Sexual Aspects of Identity, Christina Marie Chestna
A Phenomenological Study: Marriage and Family Therapists' and Clinician's Perceptions of How Secondary Traumatic Stress Affects Them and Their Families, Norja Elizabeth Cunningham
Resilience to Trauma throughout the Lifespan: Overcoming Child Sexual Abuse, Kaylee L. Curilla
Treatment Decision Making in the Postpartum Period: Examining Women’s Preferences and Perspectives, Jenessa Danielle Deleault
Powerlessness within a Budget-Driven Paradigm: A Grounded Theory Leadership Study from the Perspective of Michigan Corrections Officers, Timothy Michael Eklin
Toward Transforming Health Systems: A Practice Study of Organizing and Practical Inquiry in Academic Medicine, Thomas A. Ellison
Anna Julia Cooper: A Quintessential Leader, Janice Y. Ferguson
Weed Women, All Night Vigils, and the Secret Life of Plants: Negotiated Epistemologies of Ethnogynecological Plant Knowledge in American History, Claudia Jeanne Ford
A Mixed Methods Study: Dimensions of Cross-Cultural Professional Success: Experiences of Western Women Living and Working in Eastern Cultures, Tami J. France
A Model for a Haitian Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center: An Accounting, Corey Gifford
Women Between the Ages of 65 and 75: What Is their Subjective Experience of How their Sexuality is Portrayed in American Society?, Rebecca E. Gilda
Servicewomen’s Experiences of Recovery in the Aftermath of War: A Qualitative Analysis, Courtney P.R. Glover
Smart Partnerships: How Higher Education Institutions Can Enhance the Capacity of the UN to Govern the Global Commons, Melissa Goodall
The Personal and the Professional: Buddhist Practice and Systemic Therapists, Joanne R. Grassia
Perceived Gender Role Conflict and Violence: Mexican American Gang Members, Lorraine Gray
Common Psychosocial and Spiritual Factors Among Individuals Who Have Healed from Chronic Lyme Disease, Frederick Green
Alliance Expectations and Alliance as Predictor of Therapy Engagement and Outcome, Daniel C. Greif
Nurturing The Aesthetic: Learning to Care for the Environment in a Waldorf School, Melissa A. Grella
Ethnodrama as a Path to Teacher Euphoria: How Might Ethnodrama Influence Teachers' Perceptions of Themselves and Promote Teacher Euphoria?, Rodney W. Grist
Leadership for Social Change: Illuminating the Life of Dr. Helen Caldicott, Leah Hanes
Effects of Presenting Normative Alcohol Data on Perceptions of College Drinking Behavior, Cullen Patrick Hardy
A Narrative Study of Emotions Associated with Negative Childhood Experiences Reported in the Adult Attachment Interview, Lynne Hartman
A Mixed Methods Perspective: How Integral Leaders Can Contribute to the Growth of Emerging Leaders, Susan M. Hayes
The Understanding and Promotion of Resilience in College Students, Jorie Pollak Himmel
The Lived Experience of Adolescents Who Engage in Nonsuicidal Self-Injury, Erin Elizabeth Holley
Effects of Negative Media on Evangelical Christians' Attitudes Toward Evangelism, Linda Hoover
A Phenomenological Exploration of the Experience of Parenting Half-Siblings Within a Blended Family, Nicole Josephsen
“JUST” Business and Often Personal: An Exploration into the Incidents Social Entrepreneurs Identify as Critical to Leading Their Enterprises, Jerrid P. Kalakay
Ecosystem-Based Management and Refining Governance Of Wind Energy in the Massachusetts Coastal Zone: A Case Study Approach, Enid C. Kumin
Resilience in Relation to Consistency in Self-Concept in Adult Third Culture Kids (ATCKs), Crystal LaBass
Therapeutic Horseback Riding With Military Veterans: Perspectives of Riders, Instructors, and Volunteers, Leslie LaFleur
The Role of Heart Rate Variability in the Treatment of Migraines, Thomas M. Ledoux
My Heart is in the East: Exploring Theater as a Vehicle for Change, Inspired by the Poetic Performances of Ancient Andalucía, Jessica Litwak
Rural Clinicians’ Perceived Ethical Dilemmas: Relationships with Clinician Well-Being and Burnout, Amithea M. Love
Adapting to a Virtual Learning Environment, Winston H. Maddox
Creating Space for an Indigenous Approach to Digital Storytelling: "Living Breath" of Survivance Within an Anishinaabe Community in Northern Michigan, Brenda K. Manuelito
Short-term Attachment Outcomes of Infants in the Child Welfare System, Tracy Markowitz
Young, Gifted, and Brown: Ricanstructing Through Autoethnopoetic Stories for Critical Diasporic Puerto Rican Pedagogy, Ángel Luis Martínez
Matrix and Edge Effects on the Maintenance of Ecological Function in an Afromontane Protected Area, Robin M. Martino
Worlds of Connection: A Hermeneutic Formulation of the Interdisciplinary Relational Model of Care, Susana Lauraine McCune
“El No Murio, El Se Multiplico!” Hugo Chávez : The Leadership and the Legacy on Race, Cynthia Ann McKinney
Neo-Homesteading in the Adirondack North Country: Crafting a Durable Landscape, Brett R. McLeod
Racial/Ethnic Status and Perceived Stigma for Breastfeeding in Public, Nicole I. Medina-Shewey
Child-Centered Play Therapy for Children with Autism: A Case Study, Ashley H. Morgenthal
The Experience of Sibling Death in Childhood: A Qualitative Analysis of Memoirs, Katrin Neubacher
Combating Corruption at the Grass-Roots Level: The Case of Individual Oath Takers, Emmanuel Funso Oluyitan
Evaluating an Organization's Response to Vicarious Trauma in Staff and Multidisciplinary Team Members, Molly O'Neil
Fostering Connections: Group Therapy for Young Women Aging Out of Foster Care, Meaghan Elizabeth Pilling
The Moderating Effect of Resilience Factors on Bully Victimization and Subsequent Psychological Adjustment Problems Among Adolescent Girls, Alexandra Hayley Quinn
Assessing Suicide Risk Scores as a Predictor of Suicidal Behaviors in a Correctional Psychiatric Facility, Janice Rice
Scales of Resilience: Community Stability, Population Dynamics, and Molecular Ecology of Brook Trout in a Riverscape after a Large Flood, Erin V. Rodgers
The Journey of a Digital Story: A Healing Performance of Mino-Bimaadiziwin: The Good Life, Carmella M. Rodriguez
Survey of Compassion Fatigue Education in APA-Accredited Clinical and Counseling Psychology Programs, Marissa Joy Scroggins
Ramapough/Ford The Impact and Survival of an Indigenous Community in the Shadow of Ford Motor Company’s Toxic Legacy, Chuck Stead
Ridazz, Wrenches, and Wonks: A Revolution on Two Wheels Rolls Into Los Angeles, Donald Parker Strauss
Clinical Supervision and Trainees' Perceptions of Their Ability to Force Therapeutic Alliance, Julia Taddonio
Understanding the "Refugee" of Hurricane Katrina: An Exploration of Titles, Time and Post-Traumatic Growth, Kandice L. Timmons
Finding Childcare for the Disabled Child: The Process and Decisions Through the Primary Caregiver’s Lens, Misty Dawn Torres
Living Aloha: Portraits of Resilience, Renewal, Reclamation, and Resistance, Camilla G. Wengler Vignoe
Tapestry of Tears: An Autoethnography of Leadership, Personal Transformation, and Music Therapy in Humanitarian Aid in Bosnia Herzegovina, Alpha M. Woodward
Submissions from 2014
Social Networking Dilemmas for Psychologists: Privacy, Professionalism, Boundary Issues, and Policies, Afshan Afsahi
Narratives of Women Who Suffered Social Exclusion in Elementary School, Sarah Sunrise Allen
The Dimensions of Hardiness and Resiliency for Combat PTSD, Warren Joseph Avery
Just Farming: An Environmental Justice Perspective on the Capacity of Grassroots Organizations to Support the Rights of Organic Farmers and Laborers, Rebecca Elaine Berkey
From Bonding to Bridging: Using the Immunity to Change (ITC) Process to Build Social Capital and Create Change, Froswa' Booker-Drew
Benevolent Sexism, Perceived Fairness, Decision-Making, and Marital Satisfaction: Covert Power Influences, Monique Brown
Professional Hurt: The Untold Stories, Ruby Macksine Brown
Transracial Adoption: Racial Identity, Resilience, and Self-esteem of African American Adoptees, Jennifer Aufiero Bumpus
Wounded Healers in Practice: A Phenomenological Study of Jungian Analysts' Countertransference Experiences, Jeffrey M. Burda
Message Matters: Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to Increase Household Hazardous Waste Program Participation, Amy Dyer Cabaniss
Portraits of Women’s Leadership after Participation in a Culturally Based University Tribal College Partnership, Catherine Calvert
Feasibility and Perceived Efficacy of the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics, Catherine F. Caplis
Presidential Arcs: What Institutional Histories Can Tell Us About The Office, Jennifer A. Carlo
The Predoctoral Psychology Internship Imbalance: The Impact on Unmatched Applicants, Chastity Chartier
Understanding the Future of Native Values at an Alaska Native Corporation, Gail Cheney
Navigating the Health Care Labyrinth: Portraits of the Socioeconomically Disadvantaged, Thomas C. Crawford PhD
Decolonizing the Empathic Settler Mind: An Autoethnographic Inquiry, Norman George Dale
Exploring the Effects of Ex-Prisoner Reentry on Structural Factors in Disorganized Communities: Implications for Leadership Practice, G. Michael Davis
From Alarm to Action: Closing the Gap Between Belief and Behavior in Response to Climate Change, Kathryn Laing Doherty
Factors in Optimal Collaboration Between Psychologists and Primary Healthcare Physicians, Margaret A. Drewlo
Relational Leadership, DevOps, and The Post-PC Era: Toward a Practical Theory for 21st Century Technology Leaders, Moudy E. Elbayadi
The Relationship between Sense of Coherence and Psychological Well-Being Among Latino Immigrant Farm Workers, “Jornaleros de Trabajo”, Clemencia Figeroa Moore
Enhancing Coping Skills in Adolescents: A Program Evaluation of the Middletip Program, Melody Bongiorno Frank
Serving Clients with Intellectual Disabilities: Clinical Psychology Training in APA-Accredited Doctoral Programs, Emily J. Graesser
The One Less Traveled By: A New Model of Leadership for the Nonprofit Sector, Michael E. Guillot
Wild Minds: Adventure Therapy, Ecopsychology, and the Rewilding of Humanity, William Hafford
Understanding Peritraumatic Dissociation: Evolution-Prepared Dissociation, Tonic Immobility, and Clinical Dissociation, Laura A. Halvorsen
Knowing the Indigenous Leadership Journey: Indigenous People Need the Academic System as Much as the Academic System Needs Native People, Dawn Elizabeth Hardison-Stevens
21st-Century U.S. Safety Professional Educational Standards: Establishing Minimum Baccalaureate Graduate Learning Outcomes for Emerging Occupational Health and Safety Professionals, Wayne Edward Hartz
Effective Networked Nonprofit Organizations: Defining the Behavior and Creating an Instrument for Measurement, Andrea Leigh Hernandez
Anorexia Nervosa: Benefits of Recovery-Oriented Websites, Sarah L. Hersey
Seasoned Psychotherapists' Experience of Difficult Clinical Moments, Kirk J. Honda
Spirituality and Leadership: Integrating Spirituality as a Developmental Approach of Improving Overall Leader Effectiveness, George Gregory Houston
Mental Health Care in McAllen Texas: Utilization, Expenditure, and Continuum of Care, Josefina Irigoyen
An Exploration of Teaching Music to Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Samantha D. Jimenez
Childhood Sexual Behavior: An Integrated Developmental Ecological Assessment Approach, Kelley Simmons Jones
Therapists’ Experiences of Incidental Encounters with their Clients, Beth Ketaineck
To Bend but Not Break: Adult Views on Resilience, Ann Korn
Supporting Families with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: Encouraging Whole Family Health, Kathryn A. Kraft