Antioch University Dissertations & Theses
Video : Innovative ETD Award Acceptance - 2009 - Raquel Delores Gutierrez
Submissions from 2014
Positive Deviance and Child Marriage by Abduction in the Sidama Zone of Ethiopia, Ashley N. Lackovich-Van Gorp
WISC-IV and Intellectual Disability: A Pilot Study on Hidden Floor Effects, Allyssa M. Lanza
Making Space for Dying: Portraits of Living with Dying, Elise Lark
The Relationships between Attachment Style and Boundary Thickness, Dore Lavering
Understanding the Changing Landscape of Client Perspectives of Recovery from Anorexia Nervosa, Jennifer Leslie
Ways of Being in Trauma-Based Society: Discovering the Politics and Moral Culture of the Trauma Industry Through Hermeneutic Interpretation of Evidence-Supported PTSD Treatment Manuals, Sarah Peregrine Lord
Extension and Validation of an Adult Gaming Addiction Scale, Scott A. MacGregor
The Self of the Field and the Work of Donnel Stern, Daniel Masler
Contemporary Franco Americans: A Study of Ethnic Identity, Help-Seeking Attitudes, and Values, Jessica L. Mayo
Teaching Acceptance of Differences and Equality across General Education Curricula: Changing Perspectives on Multiculturalism and Social Acceptance through Transformative Learning, Merrill Andrea Mayper
Civic Deliberative Dialogue and the Topic of Race: Exploring the Lived Experience of Everyday Citizens and Their Encounters with Tension and Conflict, Jacquelyn Yvonne McCray
Understanding Relational Agility: Exploring Constructs of Relational Leadership Through Story, David M.I. McLean
Information Technology Sourcing Across Cultures: Preparing Leaders for Cross-Cultural Engagements and Implementing Best Practices with Cultural Sensitivity, Wayne Gordon Moran
Elementary-Aged Cyber Bully-Victims: Incidence, Risks, and Parental Involvement, Valerie A. Mulkey
Psychotherapy and the Embodiment of the Neuronal Identity: A Hermeneutic Study of Louis Cozolino's (2010) The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Healing the Social Brain , Ari Simon Natinsky
Coping Responses and Mental Health Symptoms in Incarcerated Juvenile Males, Jennifer Renae Newhard
African American Men Who Give Voice to the Personal Transition from Criminality to Desistance, Naomi Nightingale
Factors that Promote and Inhibit Client Disclosure of Suicidal Ideation, Robert William Orf
Mothering and the Functional Self: A Hermeneutic Exploration of Texts on Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Kathleen M. Pape
How Young Adults Make Meaning of Their Family Intergenerational Solidarity Through the Use of Music, Keri B. Petrone
The Distance from Necessity: A Bourdieusian Analysis of Gathering Practices in Vermont, Alan Robert Pierce
Addressing Global Threat: Exploring the Relationship between Common Purpose and Leadership, Charles R.H. Powell
The Nature and Influence of Relationship on Success in a Virtual Work Environment, Carol Locher Ransone
Therapists’ and Interpreters’ Perceptions of the Relationships When Working with Refugee Clients, Janet Ann Robertson
Leading at the Edge of Uncertainty: An Exploration of the Effect of Contemplative Practice on Organizational Leaders, Stephen D. Romano
Father Attachment Predicts Adolescent Girls' Social and Emotional Development, Reena Sandhu
Campus Tails: An On-Campus Therapy-Dog Pilot Program and Feasibility Study, Maureen D. Sanford
Enchanted: A Qualitative Examination of Fairy-Tales and Women's Intimate Relational Patterns, Amanda Schnibben
Treating Bipolar Disorder: Investigation into the Integration of Quality of Life (QOL) in the Treatment Plan, Carolynn B. Shor
Maintaining BBBS Mentoring Relationships: Exploring Predictors of Intensity of Contact, Matthew Dean Stevens
Wise by Design: A Wisdom-Based Framework for Innovation and Organizational Design and its Potential Application in the Future of Higher Education, Juan Francisco Suarez
Portraits of Vocal Psychotherapists: Singing as a Healing Influence for Change and Transformation, Susan G. Summers
Juvenile Psychopathy: Instrumental versus Reactive Aggression in Male and Female Juvenile Offenders, Marielena P. Tecce
Asian Indian College Students: Relationship between Parent–Child Communication Difficulties and Internalization, Sheeba P. Thomas
Economic Empowerment Through Income Generating Activities and Social Mobilization: The Case of Married Amhara Women of Wadla Woreda, North Wollo Zone, Ethiopia, Belete Deribie Woldegies
To Transform a Culture: The Rise and Fall of the U.S. Army Organizational Effectiveness Program, 1970–1985, James Michael Young
Submissions from 2013
Exploring Tribal College and University (TCU) Faculty Collegiality, Nora Antoine
Higher Education, Citizens Engagement and Economic Development Work at the Grassroots: A Case Study of Dayton, Southwest Ohio, Olatokunbo A. Awoshakin
Financial Services Innovation: Opportunities for Transformation Through Facial Recognition and Digital Wallet Patents, Debora S. Bartoo
Emerging Forms of Awareness about Forgiveness: An Analysis of What High Profile Leaders Think, Stephen Bauman
The Development of Intimate Partner Relationships Among Men Sexually Abused as Children, Laura Beltran-Medina
Practitioner Countertransference and Evaluation of Callous and Unemotional Trait Clients, Frances Keleher Braun
Servant Leadership and African American Pastors, Clarence Bunch
Children's Constructed Meanings of Sisterhood When an Older Sibling has Autism, Jamie L. Carroll
Parents' Perceptions and Awareness of Cyberbullying of Children and Adolescents, Bryan David Clarke
In Situ Vision: The Student Experience of Collaborative Learning in a Virtual Drawing Class, Annette Cohen
Sibling Closeness and Similarity and the Presence of Perfectionism, Jennifer L. Crowe
Social Entrepreneurship and Wealth-Building Plans: Creative Strategies for Working Class Americans, Wayne R. Curtis
Existential Concerns of Individuals Living with Chronic Mental Illness in Guam, Christina Maria B. Dela Cruz
Addressing Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Bullying: A Mindfulness-based Intervention Manual, Melanie L. Ernould
A Women's Talking Circle: A Narrative Study of Positive Intergenerational Communication, Pamela Ferris-Olson
The Phenomenal Characteristics of the Son-Father Relationship Experience, Chris L. Hickey
Applying a Leadership Framework to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Post Fordice, Armenta Hinton
A Preliminary Investigation of the Validity of Time-Based Measures of Sustained Attention for Children, Michael R. Kulfan
Sites of Passage: Art as Action in Egypt and the US-- Creating an Autoethnography Through Performance Writing, Revolution, and Social Practice, Tavia La Follette
A Look into the Lived Experiences of College Students with Asperger's Disorder, Joshua Bryan Lafortune
The Relationship of Teacher, Student, and Content in the Clinical Psychology Classroom, Hannah Lord
Generations Apart: A Mixed Methods Study of Black Women’s Attitudes About Race and Social Activism, Carolyn D. Love
The Post-Combat Couple Adjustment Questionnaire: A Preliminary Validation, Valerie Maine
Returning the Self to Professional Psychology, Scott Alan Markham
The Sisters' Experience of Having a Sibling with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Melissa L. McVicker
Trauma, Deviant Sexual Arousal, and Sexual Aggression in Adolescent Male Sexual Offenders, Kerry Elizabeth Nelligan
Laughing Buddhas: The Everyday Embodiment of Contemplative Leadership, Kim Nolan
What Are the Key Competencies, Qualities, and Attributes of the African American Municipal Police Chief?, Patrick Oliver
How Class Background Influences Negative Countertransference in Outreach Therapy, Kathyn Anna Patterson
Meta-for, Vincent Mario Pignatiello II
The Role of Agency in Community Health Outcomes: Local Health Departments and Childhood Immunization Coverage Rates, James Anthony Ransom
My Journey from Physician to Psychologist: Relational Touch in Psychotherapy, Brita S. Reed
Museums as Sites of "Being in Conversation": A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Randy C. Roberts
Characteristics of Contemporary U.S. Progressive Middle Schools, Jan Ware Russell
Early Effects of the Tomatis Listening Method in Children with Attention Deficit, Liliana Sacarin
Servant Leadership in Higher Education: The Influence of Servant-Led Faculty on Student Engagement, Anthony J. Scardino
Researching Critical Incidents of Transformation, Paul R. Scheele
The Impact of Voluntary Aftercare on Recidivism Rates for Adult Male Sex Offenders, Alexandra Schmidt
I'll Choose Which Hill I'm Going to Die on: African American Women Scholar-Activists in the White Academy, Muriel Elizabeth Shockley
Urban Indian Perspectives of Traditional Indian Medicine, Annette Squetimkin-Anquoe
Melungeon Portraits: Lived Experience and Identity, Tamara L. Stachowicz
Measuring Normlessness in the Workplace: A Study of Organizational Anomie in the Academic Setting, Tayo Glenn Switzer
Moving Away from Understanding: Personal Therapy in Contemporary Doctoral Education, Michael Paul Tartaglia
A History of Place: Using Phytolith Analysis to Discern Holocene Vegetation Change on Sanak Island, Western Gulf of Alaska, Cricket C. Wilbur
Submissions from 2012
How Managed Behavioral Health Care Impacts Psychotherapeutic Practices, Beth S. Abramson
Family Value Transition in a Changing Turkey, Yudum Akyil
A Phenomenological Investigation of Physician Job Satisfaction in Rural Integrated Primary Care, Jacob Brendan Austin
The Effect of Disinfectants, Cleaning, and Drying Practices on Oriental Rugs Flooded with Contaminated River Water: Public Health and Policy Implications, Daniel Bernazzani
Heart to Heart: A Cardiac Rehabilitation Follow-up Program, Tamara H. Bisbee
Is Suicide Training Sufficient for Psychology Trainees to Respond Appropriately to Suicidal Clients?, Nicole M. Bromley
Formative Research and Community Resilience: A Case of Under Addressed Youth Problem Gambling, Michea Caye
Wholeistic EducationTM, Cerissa Leigh Desrosiers
Facilitating Emergence: Complex, Adaptive Systems Theory and the Shape of Change, Peter Martin Dickens
Voices of Adoptees: Stories and Experiences within Schools, Elizabeth S. Donalds
Youth and Community Development through Rites of Passage: A Pilot Evaluation Model, Jason R. Emery
Millennial Integration: Challenges Millennials Face in the Workplace and What They Can Do About Them, Chip Espinoza
A Historical Narrative of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee's Freedom Schools and their Legacy for Contemporary Youth Leadership Development Programming, Leslie K. Etienne
Bracing for Idiopathic Scoliosis: Improving Adherence through Psychological Intervention, Shoshana J. Fagen
Computer-Based Cognitive Training for Age-Related Cognitive Decline and Mild Cognitive Impairment, James Fortman
Getting Back to My Life: Exploring Adaptation to Change Through the Experiences of Breast Cancer Survivors, Charles A. Foster