Antioch University Dissertations & Theses
Video : Innovative ETD Award Acceptance - 2009 - Raquel Delores Gutierrez
Submissions from 2021
Teachers of Color's Perception on Identity and Academic Success: A Reflective Narrative, Lynette Suliana Sikahema Finau
Influencing Legislation for Juveniles in the Adult Judicial System: A Phenomenological Examination of Legal Advocates, Krista F. Franklin
Exploring Communication Between Staff and Clinicians on an Inpatient Adolescent Psychiatric Unit, Olivia Ray Friedman
Optimism at Work: Developing and Validating Scales to Measure Workplace Optimism, Sara Frost
Understanding the Parent Experience of Receiving an Early Childhood Autism Diagnosis, Elizabeth Fuss
Clinical Supervisors' Experiences Addressing Age and Generational Cohort Affiliations with Counseling Supervisees, Susan N. Golden
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults’ Experiences with Supportive Religious Groups, Rachel Grossman
The Relationship of Societal Pressures and Disordered Eating Among Lebanese Women, Rita Hage
Adult Attachment Interview Classification: Comparing Two Coding Systems, Patricia M. Hastings
Adoptive Identity: Emerging Adult International Adoptees’ Narrative Coherence Following Early Institutional Care, Samuel Vladimir Highland
The Student Experience of Psychoeducational Assessment: A Phenomenological Study, Teresa Hoffman
How Male Technology Leaders Navigate Inclusion and Diversity Expectations Using a Paradoxical Leadership Framework, Lori Ann Hofmann
A History of Distrust: How Knowing the Law Impacts African American Males' Perceptions of Police Encounters, Glynell R. Horn Jr.
Shifting Paradigms: Using Action Research to Redefine Engagement in Faith Formation in Unitarian Universalism, Amy Huntereece
Managing Natural Resources Through Vulnerability Analysis: An Applied Case Study into Recreational Activities at Coral Reefs in Puerto Rico, Karin Jakubowski
Video Meetings in a Pandemic Era: Emotional Exhaustion, Stressors, and Coping, Betty J. Johnson
Decolonizing Food Systems Research – The Case of Household Agricultural Food Access in Bikotiba, Togo, Katryna Maria Kibler
Restoring the Traditional Quality of African Leadership: Perspectives from the Diaspora, Daniel Kyei-Poakwa
Exploring Equity through the Perspective of White Equity-Trained Suburban Educators and Minoritized Parents, David E. Lawrence
Examining the Relationship Between Five Factors of Mindfulness and Parenting Stress: A Correlational Study of New Mothers, Jessica L. Lazaro
Applying the Present to the Past: The Experiences of Five Civil Rights Rabbis in Context of Contemporary Leadership Theory, Bradley G. Levenberg
Amplifying Community Voice in Multi-Sector Health Collaboration: Case Study Exploring Meaningful Inclusion, Rachel Lucy
The Relational Interpretation of Dreams: A Book Proposal, Alicia MacDougall
The Inclusion of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Mainstream Classrooms: Teachers’ Perspectives, Alyssa Maiuri
Construction of a Developmental Social Privilege Integration Scale, Abigail M. Martin
Human Centeredness: The Foundation for Leadership-as-Practice in Complex Local/Regional Food Networks, MaryAnn Martinez
Religious Racial Socialization: The Approach of a Black Pastor at an Historic Black Baptist Church in Orange County, California, Shandell S. Maxwell
Higher Education's Immunity to Change: Understanding How Leaders Make Meaning of Their Student Success Landscape, Brittany Motley
Novice Teachers' Sensemaking in an Era of Accountability: Implications for School Leaders, Hays K. Moulton
Internet Pornography Addiction in the Treatment of Heterosexual Dyadic Relationships: A Literature Review, Sarah Ogier-Bloomer
"The Candy Problem, Solved!": White Children and White Parents Grappling With Dysconscious Whiteness, Lindsay E. Olson
Experience of Gender Role Expectations and Negotiation in Second Generation Desi Couples, Deepa Patel
Exploring the Use of Courageous Followership in Conversations with Nurses and Their Colleagues, Elizabeth L. Paxton
An Assessment of Therapist Attitudes Toward Polyamorous People, Chelsea V. Randall
Divine Narcissism: Raising a Secure Middle-Aged Adult, Rachel Sachs Riverwood
Sickle Cell in a Poor Community in Haiti: Attention, Emotion, and Sleep, Sarajane Rodgers
Strengthening Organizational Performance through Integration of Systems Leadership, Participatory Communication, and Dynamic Capabilities, Esther Ewurafuah Sackey
Homelessness and ADHD: A Hidden Factor?, Elizabeth A. Shepherd
Pediatric Bullying and Victimization: Quality Improvement Project in a Primary Care Setting, Melanie Sklar
I’m So Satisfied: A Qualitative Approach to Understanding the Process of Marriage Satisfaction Among African American Couples, Rashida Spence
Flourishing With Chronic Pain, Michelle A. Taylor
Educating for Global Competence: Co-Constructing Outcomes in the Field: An Action Research Project, Kristina A. Van Winkle
Circling the Wagons: A Re-Entry Program for Substance Use in NH, Angela Leigh Walter
Experiencing Race in the Workplace: Understanding How African American Male Leaders Make Sense of Their Race at Work, Stefanie L. Watson
Motivational Interviewing in Vocational Rehabilitation: Why it Matters for People with Disabilities, Alicia Wein-Senghas
Assessment of the Potential for Youth Engagement in Mountain Gorilla Conservation in Uganda, Samson Elijah Werikhe
An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Older Adults and Subjective Well-Being, Averie A. Zdon
Submissions from 2020
Analysis of European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade Efficacy: A Multi-Scale Perspective, Marshall Adams
The Human Dimensions and Spatial Ecology of Poaching and Implications for Red Wolf Survival, Suzanne Agan
Marital Satisfaction of Couples in Heterosexual Relationships Where There Are Differences in Spirituality, Collins Anaeche
Beyond Dissociation and Appropriation: Evaluating the Politics of U.S. Psychology Via Hermeneutic Interpretation of Culturally Embedded Presentations of Yoga, Genelle N. Benker
Culturally Collaborative Teaching: A Path Toward Black Student Learning, J. Love Benton
A Case Study: The Role of Compassionate Cities, Healthy Cities, and UN Sustainable Development Goals in City Leadership and Planning, Lisa A. Berkley
Turning Around Small, Private, Tuition Dependent Colleges: How Boards of Trustees Impact Decline and Turnaround, Michael Bills
Teachers’ Experience with Problematic Behavior and Educational Support: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Kristen Michelle Brashear
Navigating the Silences: Social Worker Discourses Around Race, Cherie Bridges Patrick
The Descendants of Hurao: An Exploratory Study of Chamoru Rights Groups, Alan T. Butler
Wildland Fire Disturbance - Recovery Dynamics in Upland Forests at Acadia National Park, Maine, Jessica E. Charpentier
LatinX Diversity Officers in Higher Education: Capacitating Cultural Values as Champions of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Maria Teresa Chavez-Haroldson
Anthropogenic Impacts and Influence On African Painted Dogs (Lycaon Pictus), Tammy Cloutier
Physician Training and Support in Managing Dilemmas Around Benzodiazepine Prescribing, Elizabeth Corley
“Las Experiencias de Padres con Hijos Discapacitados” Lived Experiences of Mexican-Immigrant Parents of Children with Identified Disabilities, Christina Cortez
Coercive and Compulsive Treatment of Eating Disorders: Surveying Treatment Providers’ Attitudes and Behavior., Jessica Cowan
An Exploration of Overparenting and College Student Ability to Manage the Stress Associated with College Life, Isabelle Creste
Integrated Care for Older Adults and Memory: A Quality Improvement Approach, Haley E. Curt
Perspectives from the Pew: A Phenomenological Exploration of Congregants' Experiences of Change in Their Churches, Courtny Davis Olds
In Pictures and Words: A Womanist Answer to Addressing the Lived Experience of African American Women and Their Bodies—A Gumbo of Liberation and Healing, Yolandé Aileen Ifalami Devoe
Adult Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Problem Behaviors, Jacqueline R. Dye
Cultural Differences, Social Support, and Therapy Outcomes: A Comparative Study Between Individualist and Collectivist Cultures, Veronica Felstad
Adolescent Perspectives on Media Use: A Qualitative Study, April Fiacco
Positionality of Paraeducators: A Phenomenological Study in a Public School District in the Pacific Northwest, Ann Rene' Flynn
Generative Leadership and the Life of Aurelia Erskine Brazeal, a Trailblazing African American Female Foreign Service Officer, Atim Eneida George
The Use of Mobile Social Technology as Transitional Objects Impact on Personality Functioning, Peter Gleiberman
A Drama-Based Group Intervention for Adolescents to Improve Mentalization, Michael S. Goddard
An Exploration of Factors Influencing First-Generation College Students' Ability to Graduate College: A Delphi Study, Ashley C. Gray Benson
Evaluating Implementation and Adaptation of Moral Reconation Therapy at a Local Jail, Branwen Gregory
Examining Optimism and Caregiver Strain in Parents with Youth and Young Adults Diagnosed with Anxiety and Unipolar Mood Disorders, Jennifer M. Gross
Shame in the Supervisory Hour: Do Supervisors Sense What is Hidden?, Melanie R. Harkins
A Pedagogy of Hope: Levers of Change in Transformative Place-based Learning Systems, Michelle G. Heaton
Therapists Who Specialize in Addiction: A Grounded Situational Analysis of a Stigmatized Profession, Heather J. Humphrey-Leclaire
Emotional Response to Climate Change Learning: An Existential Inquiry, Jennifer Hutchinson
The Role of Geospatial Information and Effective Partnerships in the Implementation of the International Agenda for Sustainable Development, Etta Delores Jackson
Client Perceptions of the Therapy Room: Effects of Homely Therapeutic Landscapes, Amanda Knapp
A Phenomenological Inquiry Into the Client Experience of the Psychotherapy Relationship, Mark D. Knutzen
Empty Cribs: Infertility Challenges for Orthodox Jewish Couples, Itay Kohane
The Impact of Career Experiences on Generativity and Postretirement Choices for Intelligence Community Baby Boomers, Marianne Victoria Kramer
Ayurvedic and Bionian Theories of Thinking: Mental Digestion and the Truth Instinct, Jenna Labbe-Watson
Separating Rope Strands: An Unraveling of Shame in Gay Men, Chad Allen Lazzari
Impact of Transnationalism On Multiracial Challenges and Resilience Among Asian Mixed-Race Adults in the United States, Sooyeon Lee-Garland
Arising: Hurricane (Superstorm) Sandy’s Impact on Design/Planning Professionals, Maxinne R. Leighton
The Experience of Children's Mental Health Leaders During Times of Constraint: A Narrative Study, Jody Levison-Johnson
Police Officer Trauma in Rural Minnesota: A Narrative Study, John J. Littlewolf
Building Renewed Relevance: Portraits of CEOs Rebranding Iconic Nonprofit Organizations, Helen A. Lowman
Moral Reconation Therapy: Efficacy and Predictors of Dropout, Amber Maiwald
Teaming at a Distance: The Work Experience on Global Virtual Teams, Lejla Bilal Maley
The Power of a Profound Experience with Nature, Becky N. Mathers
Understanding the Context and Social Processes that Shape Person- and Family-Centered Culture in Long-Term Care: The Pivotal Role of Personal Support Workers, Ellen Helena Melis