
Kathryn O'Neil, Psy.D., is a 2022 graduate of the Psy.D. Program in Clinical Psychology at Antioch University, New England

Dissertation Committee:

  • Martha Straus, PhD, Committee Chair
  • Gina Pasquale, EdD, Committee Member
  • Kate Evarts Rice, PsyD, Committee Member


wraparound, Thematic Analysis, family voice and choice, qualitative research, systems of care

Document Type


Publication Date



The following is a qualitative study of the caregiver’s experience of having voice and choice in the New Hampshire wraparound program, conducted through Keene State College’s Behavioral Health Improvement Institute (BHII). Wraparound systems of care emphasize the family’s role in directing the generation of a network of supports for intervening with a youth with Severe Emotional Disturbances (SED). Indeed, caregiver voice and choice are key principles of this service delivery model. There are many established benefits to encouraging family involvement in systems of care, but little research to date on the subjective caregiver experience. A review of literature covers the development and program features of wraparound with established outcomes for youth and caregiver, as well as the current knowledge base with regard to family involvement. The BHII team conducted interviews with 15 caregivers who had recently terminated from wraparound. Those interviews were analyzed using Thematic Analysis (TA) to understand the caregiver experience of voice and choice with a pragmatic lens for program evaluation purposes. Results are compiled and explained here with a discussion on implications for the program.


Kathryn O'Neil

ORCID Scholar ID# 0000-0001-7880-5368
