Antioch University Dissertations & Theses
Video : Innovative ETD Award Acceptance - 2009 - Raquel Delores Gutierrez
Submissions from 2024
"Why Does This Have to be So Hard?": Perinatal Experiences from an Ecological Systems Approach, Caitlin Senk
Lioness of Lisabi: A Creative Dissertation Characterizing Funimilayo Ransome-Kuti as a Foremost Yoruba Feminist Leader, Oyewole Sobo
"The In-Betweeners": The lived experience of adult cochlear implant users, Aylah Sroloff
Poetry For Us: Centering the Voices of Teachers of Color Through Action Research Poetry, Erika N. Starzynski
Exploring Cultural Humility Prevalence and Barriers in Masters of Science in Athletic Training Education Programs, Nathalie Towchik
Therapeutic Interventions for Adolescents with Non-Epileptic Seizures, Noah Trantel
Developing Resources to Foster Farmed Animal Agency in Sanctuary Education, Emily Tronetti
Developing Self-Evaluation Skills in Interprofessional Simulation Educators: A Multilevel Mixed-Methods Study, Dana G. Trottier
A Qualitative Exploration Of Addiction Counselors’ Experience Working With Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder, Lyris C. Tudhope-Locklear
Her Voice Matters: Life Histories of Black Women Teachers’ Working Conditions, G. Funmilayo Tyson-Devoe
Cultivating Culturally Responsive Early Childhood Educators: An Examination of Practices, Perspectives, and Reform Efforts, Kamiesha Vann
Chieftaincy in a Lappa: Portraiture Leadership of Black Women, Lynne E, Washington
Emotions, Self-Efficacy, and Accountability for Antiracism in White Women Counselors, Lisa Wenninger
Critically Interrogating Wolf Eradication and Management Policy Through a Settler Colonial Lens: Toward a Compassionate Future, Karen M. Winter
Black and African American Young Adult Male Experiences: Implications For Building Resilience And Survival Skills Within Educational Settings And Public Spaces, Akimma Wright-D'Abreau
Submissions from 2023
Relationships Among Trait Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, and Compassion Fatigue in Mental Health Professionals Working with Clients with a Terminal Illness, Christen Aiguier
An Experiential Qualitative Analysis Exploring the Sexual Identity Experiences of Latino Caribbean Cisgender Gay Men, Starlin Astacio
Adaptive Regulation for Ecosystem Restoration: A Context for Effective Environmental Permitting, Jennifer M. Auger
Reframing Coaching Success: Mentorship and Ethics in the Era of Increased Competition and Exploitation of High School Athletes, Thomas Andres Auten
Relationships Harm, Relationships Heal: Exploring Larger Bodied People's Experiences of Weight Stigma and Eating Disorders in the Context of Family Relationships, Rebecca Erin Belinsky
Children Tell Landscape-Lore among Perceptions of Place: Relating Ecocultural Digital Stories in a Conscientizing/Decolonizing Exploration, Meredith Jean Bird Miller
Understanding How Secular Spirituality Transforms Intergenerational Parenting Styles, Barrie Birge
Exploring the Definition of Resilience: A Convergent Parallel Mixed Methods Study in Adults Over the Age of 65, Sara J. Blessington
From Intersubjectivity to Activism: A Case for Engaged Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Psychology, Abigail Bliss
Cultivating Abolitionist Praxis through Healing-Centered Engagement in Social Justice Youth Arts Programs, Laurel Sarah Butler
Preparing Counselors to Meet the Needs of Transgender Clients, Kristy Carangi
Once More, With Feeling: Partnering With Learners to Re-see the College Experience Through Metaphor and Sensory Language, Taran Cardone
Building University Relationships: A Holistic Approach to Student Success in Online Learning Environments, Elizabeth Carson-Murphy
Artistic Engagement with Monadnock: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Jonathan W. Coffin
Diving to New Depths: An Exploration of Aquarium Visitors' Reflection at a Shark Exhibit, Nicole Leigh Conklin
Attachment Styles and the Impact of Extradyadic Behaviors in Polyamorous Relationships, Noah Corey
Navigating Opportunities to Improve Youth Outcomes in a Least Developed Country: An Action Research Study, Naomi Docilait
Counselors’ Lived Experience Treating Patients Utilizing Methadone: The Intersection of Culture, Policy, and Stigma, Kathryn Floyd Eggert
To Change Everything, We Need Everyone: Belonging, Equity, and Diversity in the U.S. Climate Movement, Clara Changxin Fang
Being and Becoming Across Difference: A Grounded Theory Study of Exemplary White Teachers in Racially Diverse Classrooms, Jane S. Feinberg
What does it Look Like for Mental Healthcare Organizations to be Healthy Places to Work? An Action Research Study, Stephanie L. Fox
Does Anyone Else? The Lived Experience of Writing About Depersonalization on Reddit, Kristina S. Fury
Examining the Relationship Between Counselor Professional Identity and Burnout, Jessica Gaul
Eating Change: A Critical Autoethnography of Community Gardening and Social Identity, Jessica Gerrior
Theoretical Modeling for Curious Leadership and Instrument Development and Validation for Measuring Curious Leader Capacity, Lisa M. Gick
Finding Body Appreciation Through the Weight-Neutral Framework, Hannah Goehner
Examining the Relationship Between Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Attachment Styles, Larissa Grundmanis
How Cultural Believes Support and Perpetuate Relational Violence: A Delphi Study for Violence Prevention, Alisha D. Guthery
"I wonder...?" The Presence and Implications of Curiosity as a Foundational Ingredient Across Couple and Family Therapy Models, Brian Hannigan
Living with awareness, courage, and love: An accessible behavioral intervention to improve well-being, Emerson J. Hardebeck
Bringing Light to the Unconscious: A Theoretical Examination of Racism Through the Adlerian Lens of Social Interest, Elle R. Harris
Learning from the Courageous Actions of War and Post-War Time Teachers: A Bricolage of Bosnian Educators, Elana Micahl Haviv
A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Quality of Life in Forensic Inpatients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders on the Social Learning Program, Alexa Hutzenbiler
Metaphor and Intersubjectivity: The Use of Metaphor Within A Metaphor, Sara Jalbert
Narrative-Driven Educational Practice: Guiding Principles for Academic Success of Black and Latinx Male Collegians, Christopher T. James
Meeting the Client Halfway: A Relational Revision to Account for Intra-Actions in Psychotherapeutic Space, Lara Pirro Jancetic
Mokṣa, Seeking a Humanizing Way of Being: I am Recognized. I am Acknowledged. I am Human., LauraLynn Jansen
Protective Behavioral Strategies and Negative Consequences of Alcohol Use Among College Athletes, Nirmala Jayaraman
The MONROE Method: A Methodology on Navigating Race, Oppression, and Equity in Medical Education through Physician Cultural Responsibility, Christen D. Johnson
A Study On Sexual Shame And Sexual Functioning In Adult Sexual Assault Survivors, Aili Jones
A Case Study on Factors Influencing Retention of Mental Health Clinicians in a New Hampshire Community Mental Health Center, William E. Keating
Forest Bathing Increases Adolescent Mental Well-being And Connection To Nature: A Transformative Mixed Methods Study, Jennifer Keller
Land Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring Interested Parties Perspectives on Cameroon's Land Tenure and Land Law Reform, Jacques Kenjio
Sex Trafficking Prevention Training for Higher Education Students, Jessica Nicole Kennedy
Internalized Transphobia and the Development of Disordered Eating Behaviors in Gender Diverse Adults, Bonnie Kester
"The Power to Heal and Cure": Adaptations of Western Therapy by American Indian and Alaska Native Therapists, Calleaghn B. Kinnamon
The Impact of Poorly Facilitated Anti-racist Conversations, Brandon Kirkwood
Exploring the Intersection of Dementia and Violence Risk Assessment, Jamie S. Klugiewicz
“Avoid it like the plague”: Adults' Lived Experience of Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, Megan Knedgen
Experiencing Workplace Inclusion: Critical Incidents that Create a Sense of Inclusion for Professional Staff in Higher Education, Katherine Penn Lampley
With Liberty and Justice for All: Psychological and Functional Consequences for Service Members Acquitted of Sexual Assault, Jamie Leavey
Family Excommunication and Fleeing Nones: Religion, Nonreligion, and Estrangement in Therapy, Jonathan Ludi Leitch
Elementary School Leadership, Climate, and Resilience during COVID-19: A Comparative Case Study of Two Independent Schools, Nora C. Malone
Psychologist Perspectives on the Treatment and Assessment of Problematic Sexual Behavior in Neurodivergent Youth, Emily R. Marhan
Exploring the Lives of Animal Activists: A Qualitative Study, Erin K. McKenney
Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Practitioners Survey, Rebecca Moussa
It Takes Heart: Building Peer-Driven Training Initiatives Through Workers' Stories, Deborah Lynne Moy
Binge Drinking and Protective Behavioral Strategies among Greek and Non-Greek College Students, Maria Niitepold
Teacher Professional Dialogue for Justice-Oriented Practice: A Qualitative Action Research Study, Megan Leigh Normandin
Navigating Conflict During Periods of Change in Higher Education: Deconstructing Academic Leaders’ Construction of Meaning, Tyler Guy Olson
Deconstructing Orthorexia in an Age of Healthism and Social Media, Maddison Paul
A Mental Health Professional Opinion on Family Involvement During the Treatment of Severe Mental Illness: A Multiple Case Study, Vanessa Perocier
Landscaping Wellness at Work: A Participatory Model for Worker-Centered Health, Anya Helena Piotrowski
How Can Principles of Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy Inform the Design of a Junior High Curriculum to Enhance Science Learning in a Meaningful Way?, Michelle K. Ramzan
Work-Family Spillover, Family Functioning, and Life Satisfaction of Pastors, Marcos Rosa
Executive Functioning Among the Karyotypes in Turner Syndrome and Implications for Interventions, Sara Scull
Would You Offer Your Heart to the Wolf with the Red Roses? The Lived Experience of Women in Relationships with Violent and Incarcerated Men, Amber R. Silverwood
How is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Taught in Graduate Counseling Programs?, Laura Smestad
When The Bough Breaks: Alcohol Misuse Among Jamaican Young Adults, Marsha Smith
Autistic Authors' Narratives of Trauma and Resilience: A Qualitative Analysis, Tessa Smith
The Walls at the Ends of Empires: Towards a Political Ecology of the Imperial Border, Benjamin Allen Stahnke
Diabetes Distress in U.S. Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review, Joanna Leah Sullivan
Towards an Ecosystem of Youth Leadership Development, Trisha Swed