
Peter Gleiberman, Psy.D., is a 2020 graduate of the PsyD Program in Clinical Psychology at Antioch University, Santa Barbara

Dissertation Committee

Allen Bishop, Ph.D., Chairperson

Agnes Regeczkey, Ph.D., Committee Member

Michael A. Grandner, Ph.D., Committee Member

Jennifer Newhard, Psy.D., L.C.P., Committee Member


Social Network Site, social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Transitional Object, Anthropomorphism, technostress, Object Relations, personality, borderline personality, mobile phone, iPhone, primary process, unconscious phantasy, hermeneutics, qualitative research

Document Type


Publication Date



The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the impact unlimited connectivity and unlimited access to voice, text, and video communication as well as multimedia content consumption through mobile social technology has on personality integration. The increased use of mobile social technology has changed how the user engages social relationships. Through mobile social technology, the user places importance in an inanimate object for engagement of social relationships. A reliance on the inanimate object as a social relationship is thought to compromise the ability to internalize integrated object relations and develop stable personality organization. This theoretical research uses hermeneutic analysis of Kernberg’s Object Relations theory, Winnicott’s theory on Transitional Objects, Anthropomorphism, and Kohut’s Self Psychology as it pertains to the relationship with mobile social technology. Through the hermeneutic process of understanding the presented experience of each of these theories the aim is to form a clearer picture of how our relationship with mobile social technology impacts personality functioning. Further research is needed to continue to expand our understanding of the impact of our relationship with social technologies. This Dissertation is available in Open Access at AURA: Antioch University Repository and Archive, and OhioLink ETD Center,


ORCID: 0000-0003-2621-5037
