
Eric Walter, Psy.D., is a 2020 graduate of the Psy.D. Program in Clinical Psychology at Antioch University, New England

Dissertation Committee:

  • Kathi A. Borden, PhD, Committee Chair
  • Edward Porter Eagan, PsyD, Committee Member
  • Channon McIntyre, PhD, Committee Member


School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Implementation, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Document Type


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The purpose of this study was to describe the unique personal experiences of teachers implementing School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) in their classroom and identify themes within their experiences that impacted their desire or ability to implement SWPBIS. Phenomenological analysis was utilized to analyze data to develop a greater understanding of how teachers view and experience SWPBIS, and identify factors that aid and hinder acceptance and implementation. Four participants involved in implementing Tier 1 of SWPBIS were interviewed and asked about their experiences implementing SWPBIS. Participants described a number of experiences that negatively impacted their belief in, attitude toward, and use of SWPBIS. Themes identified that negatively impacted teachers’ belief in, attitude toward, and use of SWPBIS included: (a) reluctance and negative emotional experiences upon introduction and training, (b) personal and philosophical conflict with SWPBIS, (c) insufficient knowledge and training, and (d) lack of resources. Participants also described experiences that increased their belief in, attitude toward, and use of SWPBIS. These themes included: (a) participants utilizing Responsive Classroom to manage behavior in their classroom, (b) seeking out independent professional development, (c) peer-to-peer mentoring, and (d) implementation team training and support. Implications of this study for administrators, researchers, teachers, and clinical psychologists are discussed along with limitations and recommendations for future research.


Eric Walter

ORCID Scholar ID# 0000-0002-6852-4391
