Submissions from 2024
Therapist Competency Using Transference-Focused Psychotherapy to Treat Borderline Personality Disorder., Rachel J. Altman
Exploring the Impact of Early Adversity on Young Children with Autism, Kelsea M. Batista
The College Sexual Violence Epidemic: Examining Prevention and Response Procedures, Casey Buonocore
Marginalized Sexual- And Gender-Identified Clients in University Counseling Centers: Best Psychotherapy Practices, Sara M. Cauley
Relationships Between White Psychology Trainees’ Multicultural Competence and Racial Affect in the Pandemic, Daniella L. Colb
The Effects of Confession Evidence and Defendant Race on Juror Perceptions, Victoria E. Dodge
The Grief of Identity Formation: How Non-Death Loss Complicates Trans Identity Narratives, R. Frank
Needs Assessment for Sexual Violence Trauma-Informed Care in the Dental Field, Joshua Garufi
The Impact of Asian American Cultural Centers on Sense of Belongingness for Asian American Undergraduate Students, Malina B. Maladore
Male Collegiate Student-Athletes Masculinity and Attitudes Toward Mental Health Seeking, Jennifer L. Mayette
Engaging in Art to Support Social-Emotional Learning (EASSEL): A Classroom-Based Approach, Hailey McAfee-Scimone
The Relationship of Workplace Support, Job Control, and Burnout in Nurses, Shannon A. McCleery
The Pursuit of Happiness: Freedom and Well-Being in Positive Psychology, Kevin J. McKenzie
Posttraumatic Growth Following Pregnancy Loss, Megan Pinette
Graduate Students' Accessibility to Human Sexuality Training, Samantha B. Rotay
In and Through the Body: A Quantitative Exploration of Embodiment in Eating Disorders, Lauren Zaniboni
Submissions from 2023
From Intersubjectivity to Activism: A Case for Engaged Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Psychology, Abigail Bliss
Attachment Styles and the Impact of Extradyadic Behaviors in Polyamorous Relationships, Noah Corey
Finding Body Appreciation Through the Weight-Neutral Framework, Hannah Goehner
Examining the Relationship Between Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Attachment Styles, Larissa Grundmanis
Metaphor and Intersubjectivity: The Use of Metaphor Within A Metaphor, Sara Jalbert
Protective Behavioral Strategies and Negative Consequences of Alcohol Use Among College Athletes, Nirmala Jayaraman
A Study On Sexual Shame And Sexual Functioning In Adult Sexual Assault Survivors, Aili Jones
Internalized Transphobia and the Development of Disordered Eating Behaviors in Gender Diverse Adults, Bonnie Kester
The Impact of Poorly Facilitated Anti-racist Conversations, Brandon Kirkwood
Exploring the Intersection of Dementia and Violence Risk Assessment, Jamie S. Klugiewicz
With Liberty and Justice for All: Psychological and Functional Consequences for Service Members Acquitted of Sexual Assault, Jamie Leavey
Psychologist Perspectives on the Treatment and Assessment of Problematic Sexual Behavior in Neurodivergent Youth, Emily R. Marhan
Exploring the Lives of Animal Activists: A Qualitative Study, Erin K. McKenney
Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Practitioners Survey, Rebecca Moussa
Binge Drinking and Protective Behavioral Strategies among Greek and Non-Greek College Students, Maria Niitepold
Executive Functioning Among the Karyotypes in Turner Syndrome and Implications for Interventions, Sara Scull
When The Bough Breaks: Alcohol Misuse Among Jamaican Young Adults, Marsha Smith
Autistic Authors' Narratives of Trauma and Resilience: A Qualitative Analysis, Tessa Smith
Diabetes Distress in U.S. Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review, Joanna Leah Sullivan
Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Real-Life Self-Disclosure Among Internet Users, Matthew Tanner
Autism Paradigms and Mental Well-Being Among Autistic Adults: A Quantitative Exploration, Libbey Walker
Growing Therapeutic Horticulture in the Field of Clinical Psychology, Kelli Woodson
Submissions from 2022
Narrative Enhancement and Cognitive Therapy with Correctional Psychiatric Patients: A Pilot Study, Richelene Cesar
Entitlement, Psychological Vulnerability, and Criminality: An Expansion on Grubbs and Exline's (2016) Model, Allison Dart
A Genuine Artifice, A Specific Vagueness: Psychotherapy, Performance, and the Practitioner, Chris M. Defossez
The Caregiver’s Experience of Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome, Jordyn Deschene
Examining Gender Differences in a Forensic Sample Using the Personality Assessment Inventory, Rebecca Elliott
Adverse Religious Experiences and LGBTQ+ Adults, Alex Fox
Psychological Impact on Probation Officers Supervising Individuals with Mental Illness, Janelle Hickey
Web-based therapeutic horticulture intervention: An online program development study, Dana Ludmer
Love Outside Margins: Mental Health and Marginalization in Intercultural and Monocultural Couples, Tara Masseratagah
The Mechanism of Reducing Anxiety through Mindfulness Interventions: Digital Therapeutic Program, Maria Neizvestnaya
Caregiver Experience of Voice and Choice in Wraparound Systems of Care, Kathryn O'Neil
Therapist Self-Reported Attachment Organization and Countertransference Responses to Psychotherapy Clients, Morgan Janay Pell
No Time for That: Graduate Psychology Student Perspectives On Self-Care Culture, Anthony Primavera
An Emerging Masculinity: A Qualitative Study of Majority-status Men's Gender Socialization, Emily Sargent
Youth Leadership Through Adventure: Alums' Perspectives on the Experience of Leadership, Raynalde Schagen
Experiences of Queer Women and Nonbinary Individuals with Mental Health Care Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Elizabeth Claire Simpson
Both Sides of The Coin: Sexual Minority Perspectives on Relationships, Quynh Tran
Submissions from 2021
The Relationship Between Concussion and Violent Criminal Behavior in Professional Football Players, Sarah Jeanne Boucher
Gender Role Beliefs, Household Chores, and Modern Marriages, Jaquoya Carreiro
Exploring Communication Between Staff and Clinicians on an Inpatient Adolescent Psychiatric Unit, Olivia Ray Friedman
Understanding the Parent Experience of Receiving an Early Childhood Autism Diagnosis, Elizabeth Fuss
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults’ Experiences with Supportive Religious Groups, Rachel Grossman
The Relationship of Societal Pressures and Disordered Eating Among Lebanese Women, Rita Hage
Adoptive Identity: Emerging Adult International Adoptees’ Narrative Coherence Following Early Institutional Care, Samuel Vladimir Highland
The Student Experience of Psychoeducational Assessment: A Phenomenological Study, Teresa Hoffman
The Relational Interpretation of Dreams: A Book Proposal, Alicia MacDougall
The Inclusion of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Mainstream Classrooms: Teachers’ Perspectives, Alyssa Maiuri
Internet Pornography Addiction in the Treatment of Heterosexual Dyadic Relationships: A Literature Review, Sarah Ogier-Bloomer
Sickle Cell in a Poor Community in Haiti: Attention, Emotion, and Sleep, Sarajane Rodgers
Homelessness and ADHD: A Hidden Factor?, Elizabeth A. Shepherd
Pediatric Bullying and Victimization: Quality Improvement Project in a Primary Care Setting, Melanie Sklar
Circling the Wagons: A Re-Entry Program for Substance Use in NH, Angela Leigh Walter
Motivational Interviewing in Vocational Rehabilitation: Why it Matters for People with Disabilities, Alicia Wein-Senghas
An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Older Adults and Subjective Well-Being, Averie A. Zdon
Submissions from 2020
Physician Training and Support in Managing Dilemmas Around Benzodiazepine Prescribing, Elizabeth Corley
An Exploration of Overparenting and College Student Ability to Manage the Stress Associated with College Life, Isabelle Creste
Integrated Care for Older Adults and Memory: A Quality Improvement Approach, Haley E. Curt
Adult Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Problem Behaviors, Jacqueline R. Dye
Adolescent Perspectives on Media Use: A Qualitative Study, April Fiacco
A Drama-Based Group Intervention for Adolescents to Improve Mentalization, Michael S. Goddard
Evaluating Implementation and Adaptation of Moral Reconation Therapy at a Local Jail, Branwen Gregory
Shame in the Supervisory Hour: Do Supervisors Sense What is Hidden?, Melanie R. Harkins
Client Perceptions of the Therapy Room: Effects of Homely Therapeutic Landscapes, Amanda Knapp
Ayurvedic and Bionian Theories of Thinking: Mental Digestion and the Truth Instinct, Jenna Labbe-Watson
Separating Rope Strands: An Unraveling of Shame in Gay Men, Chad Allen Lazzari
Moral Reconation Therapy: Efficacy and Predictors of Dropout, Amber Maiwald
Confusing Conversations: Assessing Traumatic Stress in Young Children, Jennifer Lela Moniz
Cultural Constructions of Sexual Relationships Between Female Teachers and Male Students, Tessa M. Palmer
To Empathize or iEmpathize: Social Networking and Adolescent Female Friendships, Jennifer A. Schonberg
Stepping Outside: A Quantitative Study Exploring Nature’s Effect on Therapist Compassion, Dana N. Vitrano
Teachers’ Experiences of School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports: A Qualitative Study, Eric Walter
Why Patients Miss Appointments at an Integrated Primary Care Clinic, Katherine Lambos Wilsey
Submissions from 2019
Emerging Adults’ Experiences of Agency in Higher Education Decisions, Leah B. Benjamin
Sexual Dysfunction: Providers’ Willingness to Ask LGBQ Veterans About their Sexual Functioning, Melanie A. Brayman
The Experience of Pregnant Women in Remission from Anorexia Nervosa, Meghan Butcher
Examining the Relationship Between Alcohol Use and Work in the Professional Theater, Michael A. Carollo
Diabetes Management for Low-Income Patients: Within-Case Analyses in Primary Care, Samuel Collier
Helping Animals, Helping Ourselves: Reciprocal Benefits of Prosocial Behaviors Directed Toward Animals, Casey A. Culligan
The Provision of Psychological Assessment Feedback to Children: A Survey of Practitioners, Caitlin P. Dolan
ACEs Wild: Making Meaning out of Trauma Through Altruism Born of Suffering, Jessica Gibson
Expectancies as a Predictor of Prescription Stimulant Use Among Medical Students, Katherine Gorman