
Rebecca Moussa, Psy.D., is a 2023 graduate of the Psy.D. Program in Clinical Psychology at Antioch University, New England

Dissertation Committee:

  • Theodore Ellenhorn, PhD, ABPP, Committee Chair
  • Barbara Belcher-Timme, PsyD, Committee Member
  • Vincent Pignatiello, PsyD, Committee Member


psychoanalytic practitioner; psychodynamic practitioner; board certification; needs analysis; psychoanalysis

Document Type


Publication Date



There has been little consensus in the field of psychology in what defines a psychoanalytic/psychodynamic (PA/PD) practitioner or psychologist. This dissertation analyzed the data from the 2021 Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Practitioner’s Survey. The analyzed data was used to further understand who these practitioners are and how they practice by exploring (a) practice patterns, (b) education and training experiences, (c) demographics of practitioners, (e) practice settings and populations, (f), clinical problems addressed, and (g) needs and interest assessment for new specialty and subspecialty board certification. The results were analyzed and revealed relevant information about individuals’ ethnic/racial identification and the intersecting factors that influence populations and settings in which individuals practice. Additionally, data showed that that many PA/PD psychologists would be interested in board certification. The findings support the importance of having Board Certification for PA/PD psychologists and for continuing to understand how PA/PD practitioners’ practice. The implications of the findings for research, training, and practice are discussed.


Rebecca Moussa

ORCID Scholar ID# 0009-0009-3335-4490
