Submissions from 2019
Women’s Lived Experiences of Gender Microaggressions: Dental Hygienists’ Stories, Karin E. Hovey
Growth after Developmental Trauma: A Co-Constructed Story, Naydine Johney
Residential Needs of Adolescent Females: A Feminist Perspective, Elizabeth Manley
Parental Involvement and the Mental Health of Adolescents with Chronic Pain, Amanda Mikedis
Therapist Attachment and Meaning-Making in Adolescent Residential Treatment, Lisa J. Milone
Internalized Homophobia of LGB Emerging Adults: Identity Complexities and Mental Health, Emily Christine Newbury
Integrated Primary Care: Development of a Patient Satisfaction Measure, Sarah C. Pearson
Graduate Student Competencies in Working with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth, Rachael Roberts
Computer Multitasking in the Classroom: Training to Attend or Wander?, Elizabeth A. Rogers
Veterans’ Help-Seeking and Spousal Support for PTSD: A Preliminary Study, Kimberly S. Sollows
Caregivers' Experience in Wraparound: A Qualitative Study, Mackenzie Soniak
The Rorschach’s (R-PAS) Capacity to Predict Quality of the Working Alliance, Jordan G. Stewart
Alcohol Misuse Among Veterans: Implications for Better Treatment, Annie Taylor
Mothers’ Religious Influence on Children Experiencing Trauma: Haiti Community Clinic Focus Groups, Ashland C. Thompson
Linguistic Issues in Culturally Sensitive Assessment: A Rorschach Case Study, Lauren M. Weisberg
Submissions from 2018
Early Adversity and Executive Dysfunction in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Jennifer Amato
The Psychological Effects of Restraints on Mental Health Workers, Jessica Baroni
Return to Play Decision Making with Concussed Athletes: Sports Medicine Practitioners’ Responses, Courtney N. Condiracci
Does Personality Moderate the Relationship Between Video Gaming and Quality of Life?, Jean M. Devenny
A Dynamic Exploration into Mentalization Among Youth on the Autism Spectrum, Rosalyn D. DeVincentis
Back on the Block: Spousal Transitional Difficulties in Military Retirement, Rhianna Kelsey Flohr
Nonmonogamous Clients’ Experiences of Identity Disclosure in Therapy, Viktoriya Fuzaylova
Attitudes of Clinical Psychologists Towards the Reporting of Nonhuman Animal Abuse, Laetitia Geoffroy-Dallery
Delirium Predicts Three-Month Mortality in Critically Ill Patients: A New Model, Katharine E. Hartnack
Monitoring Psychiatric Patients’ Preparedness for Hospital Discharge, Carrie Olsen Hennessy
School Stress in Young Children with Learning Disorders: Implications for Psychological Well-Being, Caitlin Herring
Student Voices: New Experiences, Empowerment, & Moral Development in Physical Education, Sarah Hoague
Emotional Self-Regulation and Management of Disruptive Behaviors in Schools, Erin Hopkins
Philosophical Ends to Scientific Means: Diagnosis and the Epistemology of Psychology, Christopher Michael Johnson
The Experience of “Cool”: A Qualitative Exploration, Kristen Lauer
Disclosure and Nondisclosure in Clinical Supervision: Negotiation of the Learning/Vulnerability Paradox, Vanessa Jayne Leary
Minority Stress, Same-Sex Couples, and Marriage Equality: A Qualitative Interview Study, Angela Lee-Attardo
Addressing Mental Health Stigma in Korean Americans: Culturally Adapted Anti-Stigma Psychoeducation, Alice Lim
Self-Care and Self-Compassion of Disaster Responders: Predictors of Resilience, Marie F. Macedonia
Sibling Survivors of Suicide: A Retrospective Exploration of Familial Attachment During Bereavement, Mark Macor
NAMI NH Youth Suicide Prevention Initiative: Most Significant Changes, Catherine E. Mayhew
Differences Between Introverts and Extraverts with Bipolar Disorder, Ray E. McHale
Proactive Stress Management for Firefighters, Amanda M. Mead
Equine-Facilitated Therapy: An Adjunct Treatment for Pre-Adolescent Girls with ADHD, Maya E. Michel
Fidelity Assessment of the Hillsborough County South Drug Court, Christina Marie Minasian Hunt
Can Podcast Listening Influence Attitudes About Mental Illness?: An Exploratory Study, Samuel B. Nathan
Indicators of Client Engagement in a University Psychotherapy Training Clinic, Katie L. Randall-Sungar
Latent Structure of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test in Psychiatrically Hospitalized Youth, Jane S. Studeny
Perspectives on Restraint Reduction in Residential Facilities, Ashley Welch
Submissions from 2017
Parental Advocacy, Stress, and Efficacy: The Hidden Costs of Diagnosing Learning Disabilities, Katherine A. Behar
The Patient-Physician Relationship from the Perspective of Economically Disadvantaged Patients, Myah Caruso
Exploring the Experience of Grandchildren in Custodial Grandparent Care, Maura Kathleen Cole
Transracial Adoptees’ Thoughts on Culturally Competent Parenting, Molly Conley
Early Psychosis and Trauma-Related Disorders: Clinical Practice Guidelines and Future Directions, Casey A. Cragin
Unforgiving Pain: A Qualitative Exploration of Chronic Pain and Self-Forgiveness, Ellette K. DiPietro
Behavioral Interventions that Treat Aggression: Employees Implementation Experiences within Adult Psychiatric Settings, Alyse Catherine Donovan
Disclosure of Gender and Sexual Minority Identities in Military Cultures Post-DADT, Katherine E. Evarts
Correctional Mental Health Providers’ Experiences of Forced Termination on the Working Alliance, Karin Gepp
The Effects of Session and Outcome Rating Scales Used in a Wraparound Setting, Alexandra Giatrelis
A Model for Implementing Residential Mental Health Treatment in NYS Correctional Settings, Lauren K. Gillis
Graduate Students and Geropsychology: Growing Need and Lacking Interest, Samantha Marie Hague
Provider Perspectives on Self-Injurious Behavior: Past, Present, and Future Directions, Laura A. Hilton
Effects of A Mindfulness-Based Mobile Application on Empathy and Mindfulness with Psychotherapists, Sarah M. Kopencey
The Development of Intrinsic Motivation in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Carissa Jean Krapf
Exploring Acceptable Alternatives to Psychotherapy for Distressed Clients in Integrated Primary Care, Paul N. Leandri
First Mothers/Birth Mothers: Social Support and Long-Term Psychological Stress and Growth, Megan L. Lyons
Iraqi Refugees and Cultural Humility: A Mental Health Professional Training Program, Megan Brunmier Marsh
Trans Gender Identities and Language: Interviews with Recent College Graduates, Kelsey Moran
Service Members’ Perspectives on Treatment: Bridging the Military-Civilian Divide, Kevin R. O'Leary
Childrearing Challenges in Parental ADHD: A Pilot Study and Proposed Research Design, David Porrino
Hysterectomy, Metaphor, and Voice: An Exploratory Study of Surgery Experiences, Katherine M. Russell
Psychologists' Hope for Recovery at First Diagnosis Schizophrenia: A Training Model, Marissa Sicley-Rogers
Submissions from 2016
Peer-Mediated Sandplay and Symbolic Play in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Meagan Adley
Utopia: An Integrated Stepped-Care Program for Stress Reduction, Antoinette Cornute Booth
The Drive to Write: Inside the Writing Lives of Five Fiction Authors, Emily S. Fine
African American Women in Leadership Positions: A Qualitative Study, Carl Harrison Jr.
Narratives of Aging and Patient Activation, T. A. Hulslander
Pebbles Under the Tongue: A Qualitative Investigation of Parents Who Stutter, Craig Matthew Kramer
Clinician Perspectives on Community Reentry for Mentally Ill Offenders in New York, Lauren C. Meath
The Stress-Buffering Model of Social Support in Post-Acute Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Emily Anna Pearce
Submissions from 2015
Haitian Children's House-Tree-Person Drawings: Global Similarities and Cultural Differences, Abimbola Afolayan
Character Strengths of Students At Risk of Dropping Out of High School, Sarah Baker
When the Heroes Become Less Super: Coping with Problems of Professional Competence, Gregory Betz
Asperger's Syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder and Marital Satisfaction: A Quantitative Study, Kim L. Bolling
Africentric Resilience Training: A Prevention Program for African American Soldiers, Melissa Boudreau
Solutions for Recruitment and Retention of Rural Psychologists by Rural Psychologists, Beth Briggs
Undergraduate Catholic Lesbians: The Intersection of Religious and Sexual Aspects of Identity, Christina Marie Chestna
Resilience to Trauma throughout the Lifespan: Overcoming Child Sexual Abuse, Kaylee L. Curilla
Treatment Decision Making in the Postpartum Period: Examining Women’s Preferences and Perspectives, Jenessa Danielle Deleault
A Model for a Haitian Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center: An Accounting, Corey Gifford
Servicewomen’s Experiences of Recovery in the Aftermath of War: A Qualitative Analysis, Courtney P.R. Glover
Common Psychosocial and Spiritual Factors Among Individuals Who Have Healed from Chronic Lyme Disease, Frederick Green
Alliance Expectations and Alliance as Predictor of Therapy Engagement and Outcome, Daniel C. Greif
Effects of Presenting Normative Alcohol Data on Perceptions of College Drinking Behavior, Cullen Patrick Hardy
The Understanding and Promotion of Resilience in College Students, Jorie Pollak Himmel
The Role of Heart Rate Variability in the Treatment of Migraines, Thomas M. Ledoux
Rural Clinicians’ Perceived Ethical Dilemmas: Relationships with Clinician Well-Being and Burnout, Amithea M. Love
Short-term Attachment Outcomes of Infants in the Child Welfare System, Tracy Markowitz
Racial/Ethnic Status and Perceived Stigma for Breastfeeding in Public, Nicole I. Medina-Shewey
Child-Centered Play Therapy for Children with Autism: A Case Study, Ashley H. Morgenthal
The Experience of Sibling Death in Childhood: A Qualitative Analysis of Memoirs, Katrin Neubacher
Fostering Connections: Group Therapy for Young Women Aging Out of Foster Care, Meaghan Elizabeth Pilling
Clinical Supervision and Trainees' Perceptions of Their Ability to Force Therapeutic Alliance, Julia Taddonio
Submissions from 2014
Social Networking Dilemmas for Psychologists: Privacy, Professionalism, Boundary Issues, and Policies, Afshan Afsahi
Narratives of Women Who Suffered Social Exclusion in Elementary School, Sarah Sunrise Allen