
Books from 2018

Shaping the Campus Conversation on Student Learning and Experience, Kara Josephine Malenfant

How the US creates "sh*thole" countries, Cynthia Ann McKinney

Reconceptualizing Faculty Development in Service-Learning/Community Engagement : Exploring Intersections, Frameworks, and Models of Practice., Cara Meixner

Abby's Quest: A Leader's Journey into Fable, Reflection, Insight, and Adaptation, Charles R.H. Powell


Writing through the body: Political, personal, practical, Amanda Sinclair and Donna Ladkin


Realising the potential of art-based interventions in managerial learning: Embodied cognition as an explanatory theory, Claus Springborg and Donna Ladkin

Melungeon portraits : exploring kinship and identity, Tamara L. Stachowicz


Young Adults in Transition: Factors That Support and Hinder Growth and Change, Mona Treadway and Elizabeth Holloway

Grassroots Leadership and the Arts for Social Change, Jon Wergin and Susan Erenrich

Grassroots Leadership and the Arts for Social Change, Jon Wergin and Susan Erenrich


Leadership, Popular Culture and Social Change, Kimberly S. Yost

Leadership, Popular Culture and Social Change, Kimberly S. Yost

Books from 2017

Dance leadership : theory into practice, Jane Morgan Alexandre


Just Planning: What Has Kept the Arts and Urban Planning Apart?, Tom Borrup

From Experience to Creativity: The experiential educator's incomplete guide to creativity, Amy Climer


Building Communication in the Classroom Beyond Language, Luane Davis Haggerty


The Growing Church: A Case Study in Leadership for Change, Courtny Davis Olds

Millennials who manage : how to overcome workplace perceptions and become a great leader, Chip Espinoza


Theorizing Leadership Identity Development in Girlhood Through Collaborative AutoEthnography and Women’s Ways of Knowing, Lisa M. Gick, Heather Ricks-Scott, Katherine Yeager, Julia Storberg-Walker, Paige Haber-Curran, and Denise Bauer


Model Curriculum for OSH, Wayne Edward Hartz and Jim Ramsay

Why I Don't Work Here Anymore: A Leader’s Guide to Offset the Financial and Emotional Costs of Toxic Employees, Mitchell Kusy PhD


“How Did That Happen?: Making Sense of the 2016 US Presidential Election Result through the Lens of the ‘‘Leadership Moment’’, Donna Ladkin


Collaboration challenges in systematic reviews: a survey of health sciences librarians, Joey Nicholson, Aileen McCrillis, and Jeff D. Williams

Combatting corruption at the grassroots level in Nigeria, Funso E. Oluyitan


Participatory Communication versus Communication Strategies of a Transnational NGO: Implementing the Indoor Residual Spraying Program in the Northern Region, Ghana, Esther Sackey, Kathleen D. Clark, and Yang Lin


An Integrative Framework for Responsible Leadership Practice, Aqeel Tirmizi

Leading and managing in the social sector : strategies for advancing human dignity and social justice, Aqeel Tirmizi


Healing Traumatized Organizations: Reflections from Practitioners, Pat Vivian, Kristin Cox, Shana D. Lynn Hormann, and Sarah Murphy-Kangas

Books from 2016

Research Handbook of International and Comparative Perspectives on Diversity Management, Lize A. E. Booysen


The Two Faces of Ubuntu : An Inclusive Positive or Exclusive Parochial Leadership Perspective?, Lize A. E. Booysen


Day by Day: Finding the Voices of Deaf Leadership on Stage, Luane Davis Haggerty

Managing the millennials : discover the core competencies for managing today's workforce, Chip Espinoza

Supervision Essentials for a Systems Approach to Supervision, Elizabeth Holloway


Comparative equality and diversity: main findings and research gaps, Alain Klarsfeld, Eddy SW Ng, Lize A. E. Booysen, Liza Christianson, and Bård Kuvaas

Positive Organizing in a Global Society, Laura Morgan Roberts


Differentiation and Integration: Managing the Paradox in Doctoral Education, Jon Wergin and Laurien Alexandre

Books from 2015

Emotionally intelligent leadership : a guide for college students, Scott J. Allen


Cross‐Cultural Coaching, Lize A. E. Booysen


Workplace Identity Construction: An Intersectional-Identity-Cultural Lens, Lize A. E. Booysen

Complete Business Guide for a Successful Medical Practice, Thomas C. Crawford PhD


The Race Controversy in Amerian Education, Lillian Dowdell Drakeford


Innovative Leadership as Enabling Function Within Organizations: A Complex Adaptive System Approach, Rob Elkington and Lize A. E. Booysen

Admired Man Why?: The Making of an Admired Man, Chris L. Hickey


Persistent Traumatization in Nonprofit Organizations, Shana D. Lynn Hormann and Pat Vivian


Why Culture Change Is Critical to Lean Initiatives, Mitchell Kusy PhD, Marty Diamond, and Scott Vrchota


Caring Orientations: The Normative Foundations of the Craft of Management, Donna Ladkin

Mastering the ethical dimension of organizations : a self-reflective guide to developing ethical astuteness, Donna Ladkin


Leading change in the system of scholarly communication: A case study of engaging liaison librarians for outreach to faculty, Kara Josephine Malenfant


Successful External Reviews: Process and Practicalities in Reviewing the Academic Library: A Guide to Self-Study and External Review, Kara Josephine Malenfant


Administrative Leadership, Jon Wergin


An extensible and successful method of identifying collaborators for National Library of Medicine informationist projects, Jeff D. Williams


It's the end of the world and we feel fine, Jeff D. Williams and Neil Rambo

Books from 2014


Diversity at work: The practice of inclusion, Lize A. E. Booysen

Dutch Racism, Philomena Essed


Supervisory Roles within Systems of Practice, Elizabeth Holloway

The physicality of leadership : gesture, entanglement, taboo, possibilities, Donna Ladkin

Freckles Felt Fine, Katie Titus Larson

Moo, Paula C. Lowe


“I Become a Part of the Learning Process”: Mentoring Episodes and Individualized Attention in Graduate Education, Harriet L. Schwartz and Elizabeth Holloway

Books from 2013

Rules of engagement : making connections last, Froswa' Booker-Drew


Societal power shifts and changing social identities in South Africa: workplace implications, Lize A. E. Booysen

The academic prayer : an inspirational guide for college success, LaTonya M. Branham


Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform: Collaborating to Change the Writing Placement Conversation, Heidi Estrem, Dawn Shepherd, and Lloyd Duman

Organizational Trauma and Healing, Shana D. Lynn Hormann

Authentic Leadership: Clashes, Convergences, and Coalescences, Donna Ladkin

Recruitment, selection, and retention of law enforcement officers, Patrick Oliver

From Starship Captains to Galactic Rebels: Leaders in Science Fiction Television, Kimberly S. Yost

Books from 2012


The Discipline Dilemma in Rainbow High School, Lize A. E. Booysen and Stella M. Nkomo

Clones, Fakes and Posthumans : Cultures of Replication., Philomena Essed


Composing Our Lives—As Women and As Leaders, Robbie Hertneky PhD

Layoff : American dream interrupted, Carole Isom-Barnes

Leadership: Native Narratives on Building Strong Communities, Carolyn Kenny; Tina Ngaroimata Fraser; Raquel D, Gutiérrez; Gail Cheney; Michelle Archuleta; and Annette Squetimkin-Anquoe

Grand Central : gateway to a million lives, Maxinne R. Leighton

The Illegal war on Libya, Cynthia Ann McKinney

Interpersonal boundaries in teaching and learning, Harriet L. Schwartz


Partners in Learning: A Grounded Theory Study of Relational Practice between Master’s Students and Professors, Harriet L. Schwartz and Elizabeth Holloway

Books from 2011

The Expressive Arts in Teacher Education: Cultivating Social Justice Leadership, Lucy Elizabeth Barbera

The Little Book of Leadership Development, Mitchell Kusy PhD

Rethinking leadership : a new look at old leadership questions, Donna Ladkin

Results now for nonprofits : purpose, strategy, operations, and governance, Mark Light


Rebooting the EdD, Jon Wergin

Organization Development in Health Care :High Impact Practices for a Complex and Changing Environment, Jason A. Wolf, Heather Hanson, and Mark J. Moir

Books from 2010

Program Accountability in Teacher Education: A Study of the Perceptions of University and State Government Leaders, Gary Ballou

Shared Strength: Exploring Cross-Cultural Christian Partnerships, Beth Birmingham

Leading across differences : cases and perspectives : casebook, Lize A. E. Booysen


Gender role stereotypes and requisite management characteristics: The case of South Africa, Lize A. E. Booysen and Stella M. Nkomo

Living in the Heartland: Three Extraordinary Women’s Stories, Pamela Ferris-Olson


Leadership responses to a conflict of gender-based tension: A comparison of responses between men and women in the US and South Africa, William Gentry, Lize A. E. Booysen, Kelly Hannum, and Todd Weber


Detox your workplace: A culture of respect can add to our company’s bottom line., Mitchell Kusy PhD and Elizabeth Holloway

Understanding and Evaluating Educational Research, Jon Wergin

Books from 2009

Toxic workplace! : managing toxic personalities and their systems of power, Mitchell Kusy PhD and Elizabeth Holloway

Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations, Laura Morgan Roberts


A Road Made by Walking: Participatory Evaluation and Social Change, Janet Rechtman


Understanding Arts-Based Methods in Managerial Development, Steven S. Taylor and Donna Ladkin

Books from 2008

Effective multicultural teams : theory and practice, Aqeel Tirmizi

Books from 2007

Lost and found in America : reflective story of new African immigrants in the United States, Tokunbo Awoshakin

Manager's Desktop Consultant, Mitchell Kusy PhD

Leadership in place : how academic professionals can find their leadership voice, Jon Wergin

Submissions from 2006


When Deontology and Utilitarianism Aren't Enough: How Heidegger's Notion of "Dwelling" Might Help Organisational Leaders Resolve Ethical Issues, Donna Ladkin

Books from 2005

Breaking the code of silence : prominent leaders reveal how they rebound from 7 critical mistakes, Mitchell Kusy PhD