Submissions from 2025
Adaptive Leadership and Spirituality The Inherent Spirituality of Being an Adaptive Leader, Mohammed Raei
Submissions from 2024
The Avatar: Masks of Hope and Healing, Lucy Elizabeth Barbera
Optimism Bias: How It Can Impact Decision Making on Boards, Michael Bills
Maximizing success: Onboarding & mentoring for productive, integrated employees, Kader Gumus and Rosalind F. Cohen
Could an Organization Be Suffering from PTSD?, Shana D. Lynn Hormann
Humanizing Moments within the Mentor-Mentee Relationship, LauraLynn Jansen and Ileya N. Grosman
Navigating Emerging Climate Crises Through Adaptive Polycentric Meta-networks., Tim Staub and Aqeel Tirmizi
The Emerging Concept of the Human-Centered Organization: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature”, Maya Townsend
African Spiritually Informed Leadership, Sharon Wamble-King
Submissions from 2023
The Power of Metaphors, Amy Climer
The Intersubjectivity of Personhood and Leadership, Stacey K. Guenther
The Intersubjectivity of Personhood and Leadership: I am Who I am Because We are Who We are., Stacey K. Guenther
Activism, Performance, and Spiritual Ritual, Lynn Horan
Leveraging the Power of Online Qualitative Inquiry in Mixed Methods Research: Novel Prospects and Challenges Amidst COVID-19, Cara Meixner
Mixed Methods Research in Global Public Health, Cara Meixner
Submissions from 2022
Adaptive Practices on Global Virtual Teams, Lejla Bilal
Modifying the Stories We Tell: Discourse as Racial Justice Capacity Building in the Helping Professions, Cherie Bridges Patrick and Lindsay Beth Lyons
What is Integral Leadership?, Janet L. Byars and Laura Curnutt Santana
Leading from Betwixt and Between: Exploring How Liminal, Rhizomic Spaces Shape, Deepen, and Sustain Adaptive Leadership Mindsets within Complex Healthcare Systems, Renee Charney and Lisa M. Gick
Misaligned Perspectives on Diversity and Inclusion in the Intelligence Community, Greta Creech
Transformational Learning in an Interpersonal Healthcare Environment, Tami J. France
Reimagining leadership through lessons from the life of Aurelia Erskine Brazeal, Atim Eneida George
From Me to We: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Coherence, Stacey K. Guenther
A time to dance: Belief and healing begin in our bodies., Lynn Horan
Separation of church and state fails to protect female clergy, Lynn Horan
Remote work video meetings: Workers’ emotional exhaustion and practices for greater well-being, Betty J. Johnson and Beth Mabry
Whiteness in leadership theorizing: A critical analysis of race in Bass’ transformational leadership theory, Donna Ladkin and Cherie Bridges Patrick
Factors influencing social and emotional well-being among women who sleep with women: Minority stress and compartmentalization, Tera Lynn McIntosh, Abel J. Koury, Diana Riendl, and Rhiannon Lewis
Adaptive Leadership in the Chinese Context: Can Adaptive Leadership be Applied in China?, Mohammed Raei
Adaptive and Complexity Leadership: Stronger Together, Mohammed Raei and Cheryl LeMaster
Submissions from 2021
Learning from Leaders-Deaf Theatre Innovations in the Time of COVID-19”, Luane Ruth Davis Haggerty
How to Think about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: A Primer, Etta Delores Jackson
Leadership and Leader Development: Perspectives from Museum and Academic Library Professionals, Julie I. Johnson
The birth of Coaching: a quiet and profound revolution, Laura Curnutt Santana
Using Cooperatives to Empower Formerly Incarcerated People—An L.A. Story, Mary Sutton
Identity (Re)Construction of Female Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders, Danielle N. Treiber and Lize A. E. Booysen
Parental perspectives on research for Down syndrome, A. Nicole White
Submissions from 2020
Juneteenth: When will we be free?, Janet Dewart Bell
Design Thinker Profile: Capabilities for Overcoming Barriers to Change., Dani Chesson
“Real” Insider Threat: Toxic Workplace Behavior in the Intelligence Community, Greta Creech
Building the capacity for student leadership in high school: a review of organizational mechanisms from the field of student voice, Lindsay Beth Lyons
Measuring Mechanisms of Student Voice: Development and Validation of Student Leadership Capacity Building Scales, Lindsay Beth Lyons, Carol Baron, and Marc Brasof
I’ll Only Follow if I Trust You: Using Adult Development to Accelerate Trust, Mohammed Raei and Harriette Thurber Rasmussen
Opportunities, barriers, and recommendations in Down syndrome research, A. Nicole White
Shifting Leadership in Times of Crisis: A Role for DAC, A. Nicole White
Submissions from 2019
The Importance of a Radiologist-Administrator Partnership to Future Health Care, Tami J. France
Cross-cultural professional experiences of female expatriates: Finding success through agility, resilience, and essential relationships, Tami J. France, Lize A. E. Booysen, and Carol Baron
Accelerating Diverse Leader Readiness Through Foresight and Futures Thinking, Priscilla Gill and Tami J. France
You First: Leadership for a New World—“Carpe Fortuna; Reddere in Ante”, Mark Light
Audience Engagement in Theatre for Social Change, Jessica Litwak
From Gaza City to the Golden Gate A Call to the International Theatre Community to Join the Struggle for Cultural Justice, Jessica Litwak
Contextual Coaching: Leveraging Context for Alignment in the System, Michael Valentine
Submissions from 2018
You First: Leadership for a New World—“SWOT’samatteryou”, Mark Light
Bildungsroman/Come, Come of Age, Paula C. Lowe
The Hired Girls of Norway, Paula C. Lowe
Young Adults in Transition: Factors That Support and Hinder Growth and Change, Mona Treadway and Elizabeth Holloway
Submissions from 2017
Just Planning: What Has Kept the Arts and Urban Planning Apart?, Tom Borrup
Building Communication in the Classroom Beyond Language, Luane Davis Haggerty
The Growing Church: A Case Study in Leadership for Change, Courtny Davis Olds
Theorizing Leadership Identity Development in Girlhood Through Collaborative AutoEthnography and Women’s Ways of Knowing, Lisa M. Gick, Heather Ricks-Scott, Katherine Yeager, Julia Storberg-Walker, Paige Haber-Curran, and Denise Bauer
Model Curriculum for OSH, Wayne Edward Hartz and Jim Ramsay
Collaboration challenges in systematic reviews: a survey of health sciences librarians, Joey Nicholson, Aileen McCrillis, and Jeff D. Williams
A Model for Understanding the Complexity of Repatriation into Organizations: A Systems Approach, Nancy Hennigar Reisig
Participatory Communication versus Communication Strategies of a Transnational NGO: Implementing the Indoor Residual Spraying Program in the Northern Region, Ghana, Esther Sackey, Kathleen D. Clark, and Yang Lin
Healing Traumatized Organizations: Reflections from Practitioners, Pat Vivian, Kristin Cox, Shana D. Lynn Hormann, and Sarah Murphy-Kangas
Submissions from 2016
Day by Day: Finding the Voices of Deaf Leadership on Stage, Luane Davis Haggerty
Submissions from 2015
Persistent Traumatization in Nonprofit Organizations, Shana D. Lynn Hormann and Pat Vivian
Leading change in the system of scholarly communication: A case study of engaging liaison librarians for outreach to faculty, Kara Josephine Malenfant
Successful External Reviews: Process and Practicalities in Reviewing the Academic Library: A Guide to Self-Study and External Review, Kara Josephine Malenfant
An extensible and successful method of identifying collaborators for National Library of Medicine informationist projects, Jeff D. Williams
It's the end of the world and we feel fine, Jeff D. Williams and Neil Rambo
Submissions from 2013
Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform: Collaborating to Change the Writing Placement Conversation, Heidi Estrem, Dawn Shepherd, and Lloyd Duman
Submissions from 2009
A Road Made by Walking: Participatory Evaluation and Social Change, Janet Rechtman