
Brittany Foxley, Psy.D, is a 2018 graduate of the PsyD Program in Clinical Psychology at Antioch University, Seattle.

Dissertation Committee

Jane Harmon Jacobs, Ph.D., Committee Chair

Mark Russell, Ph.D., ABPP, Committee Member

Jamila Brown, Psy.D., Committee Member


School-based mental health, stigma, community psychology, systems of care, school based mental health implementation model, school-based mental health services, child mental health, adolescent mental health, bioecological model

Document Type


Publication Date



Mental health issues among school-aged children are a growing concern and subject of intervention and prevention studies nationwide. While several implementation and service delivery models exist for school-based mental health services (SBMHS) they are often localized, population or program specific, and do not adequately address the issues related to stigma. Building on Cook and Kilmer's 2012 article integrating community psychology principles and systems of care values, a review of the literature is conducted to identify issues and barriers from stigma in current school-based and mental health service delivery. Key guidelines and specific considerations are presented to address identified limitations and augment the current implementation models for collaborative SBMHS through the practical application of community psychology principles. The creation and function of a coalition in the spirit of collaboration uniquely provided by partnering systems of care & community psychology principles is a central component. While the main focus and application of these objectives is at the micro and exosystem levels for change, the local community and school, school district and state, they can also be integrated at the macrosystem level for initiatives, legislation, and policy changes.


Brittany Foxley, Psy.D., 2018

ORCID Scholar #0000-0002-7962-9615
