
Annette Squetimkin-Anquoe is a 2013 graduate of the PhD Program in Leadership and Change at Antioch University.

Below: Dr. Squetimkin-Anquoe at her Dissertation Defense. [ Left to Right] Committee Member, Dr. Elizabeth Holloway, Dissertation Chair, Dr. Carolyn Kenny, Dr. Squetimkin-Anquoe, External Reader, Dr. Felicia Hodge. [ Not shown, Committee Member, Dr. Richard Vedan].


Native Americans, Ethnographic Futures Research, Urban Indians, Traditional Indian Medicine, Indigenous Leadership, Traditional Healing Practices, Traditional Knowledge, Indigenous Knowledge, Ethnomedicine, Spiritual Healing, healthcare

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American Indians (AI) represent two percent of the United States population with over five hundred and sixty federally recognized tribes. In comparison to mainstream society AI show disparate rates for a number of health conditions. While some AI use traditional forms of medicine and healing practices that encompass mind-body-spirit approaches, studies conducted on the topic of Traditional Indian Medicine (TIM) among American Indians are sparse. Considering the fact that two thirds of the entire AI population currently lives in urban areas, it is timely to learn more about how TIM is seen by them. The purpose of this study was to gain these. An Ethnographic Futures Research (EFR) study was conducted with five AI participants of the urban community in King County, Washington. Data was collected via focus group discussion involving future and present oriented times which were categorized into themes and member checked with participants. Findings were arranged in a physical-emotional-social-spiritual framework to include themes regarding perspectives about TIM, broad guiding principles, and steps. The range of perspectives in this study support previous investigations involving tribally diverse people. That participant views about TIM encompassed a multitude of facets beyond health care issues was a surprise and may allude to a relational worldview. The relational aspects that exist within many indigenous worldviews are highlighted by the importance of treating each other and the earth well is a factor in the sustenance of traditional and indigenous knowledge. The electronic version of this dissertation is available in the open-access OhioLink ETD Center,
