
Twyla Dell


Twyla Dell PhD is a 2009 graduate of the PhD Program in Environmental Studies at Antioch University, New England

Dissertation Chair : Alesia Maltz, PhD

Committee Member: Thomas Webler, PhD

Committee Member: Martin V. Melosi, PhD


energy, history, fuel, urban history, instant cities, environmental history, wood age, coal age, oil age, Kansas City, models

Document Type


Publication Date



Though this work is a fuel and energy history of Kansas City from 1820 to 1920, it also provides a tool to describe and analyze fuel and energy transitions. The four parts follow the rise and fall of wood, coal and oil as their use grows to a peak and, in the case of wood, declines. The founding and growth of Kansas City as an “instant city” that grew from zero population to over three hundred twenty thousand in a hundred years embodies the increased use of fuels and energy in an urban setting and serves as a case study. This work differentiates between these two elements throughout the one-hundred-year-history to offer a clarification in terminology and theory. The narrative begins in the Wood age, continues to the peak of the Coal Age and introduces the Oil Age as it was to 1920.


Books Edited or Written by Twyla Dell, Ph.D.

Corporate Environmental Leader - Twyla Dell; Kay Keppler (Editor) ISBN: 1560522534 Publication Date: 1995-08-01
Motivating at Work - Twyla Dell; Michael G. Crisp (Editor) ISBN: 1560522011 Publication Date: 1993-03-25 Follow these handy tips and you will increase team performance-while making the job more enjoyable for everyone.
Call of the Rainbow Warrior - Twyla Dell ISBN: 0962619701 Publication Date: 1990-09-01
