Above: TEDxIndianapolis Talk presented by Dr. Suarez October 21, 2014. Also available at :
Juan Francisco Suarez is a 2014 graduate of the PhD Program in Leadership and Change at Antioch University.

Above: Dr. Juan "Kiko" Suarez with his Dissertaton Committee,
L-R : Dr. Alan Guskin, Chair, Dr. Suarez, Dr. Laurien Alexandre, Committee Member,
Dr. Jon Wergin, Committee Member, Not Shown: Dr. Eugene Rice, External Reader
Below : Dr. Suarez at the Dissertation Defense, Santa Barbara 2014

wise, WBD, wise by design, higher education, artificial wisdom, wisdom augmented practice, hybridity, cognitive, intuitive, practical, experience, balanced, adaptive, aesthetic, ethical, time sensitive, futures research
Document Type
Publication Date
A wiser socio-economic system, by design and not by chance, may well benefit from a series of design principles drawn from the well of wisdom. This dissertation focused on a refined set of eight components of wisdom through research designed to explore if, how, and when they are invoked by a group of experts participating in a futures discussion about organizations in their field of practice, American higher education. The aim was to explore a set of wisdom-centered design principles (denoted as Wise By Design [WBD]) for social innovation, specifically in the design of organizations that would thrive in the future. After four rounds of engagement with a panel of experts with approximately 500 years of accumulated experience in the field, six conclusions were reached: a) an organization could be seen as wise; if leadership, management, and innovation practices are augmented by wisdom; b) the use of design principles based on wisdom and futures inquiry could help organizations develop wise processes; c) wise people develop the ability to take an objectivized balanced perspective when confronted with situations, decisions, or requests for advice; d) wisdom could be described as a multi-channel sense-and-respond adaptive system with the higher purpose of flourishing of self and others; e) interoperability and dual hybridity, both administrative and academic, could enable institutions of higher education to thrive in the future; and f) this field of research could lead into a discussion on the value of exploring artificial wisdom. The electronic version of this Dissertation is at Ohiolink ETD Center, and AURA
Recommended Citation
Suarez, J. F. (2014). Wise by Design: A Wisdom-Based Framework for Innovation and Organizational Design and its Potential Application in the Future of Higher Education.
Included in
Business Administration, Management, and Operations Commons, Higher Education Commons, Higher Education Administration Commons, Organizational Behavior and Theory Commons
Born and raised in Europe (Spain), I have worked and lived in different countries. I have cross-sector experience in communications, marketing, innovation and technology after working for large corporations, small businesses, my own startup companies, NGOs and philanthropy. Passionate about helping individuals and organizations flourish and reaching their highest potential in life, I’m currently leading the communications, information technology and innovation practices at Lumina Foundation ( I hope that my research work on applying wisdom principles to leadership and change, in particular when it comes down to organizational design and innovation, could eventually lead to wiser forms of organization and social systems that I call “flourishing adaptive systems”. I also hope that my research work sparks interest to explore the potential of artificial wisdom. Finally, I wish that higher education institutional leaders listen to this call for action: do what’s right, don’t be afraid; Take the lead! #BeWise
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TEDxIndianapolis Talk presented by Dr. Suarez October 21, 2014. Also available at :