
Nompelelo Boucher, Ph.D., is a 2022 graduate of the PhD Program in Marriage and Family Therapy at Antioch University, New England

Dissertation Committee:

  • Kevin Lyness, PhD, Committee Chair
  • Denzel Jones, PhD, Committee Member
  • Janet Robertson, PhD, Committee Member


Black single mothers, African American, cultural-sensitive therapy, common factors

Document Type


Publication Date



This qualitative study of 6 Black single mothers utilizes a focus group format to explore their experiences in mental health treatment. The specific barriers they face to seeking treatment are reviewed, given that this particular population is substantially underrepresented in mental health therapy. The study seeks to gain a better insight of what factors contribute to attracting and retaining them in therapy for positive outcomes. Six emergent themes surfaced highlighting the fact that these women overcome numerous historical and cultural barriers to present for treatment to address serious issues of stress, grief, and loss, that they have a desire to receive allied treatment from Black clinicians or from non-Black clinicians who can provide culturally sensitive therapy, and that they are desirous of clinicians with an engaging style who provide active feedback and tangible resources and advocacy. The results provide clinical implications for practitioners to employ in their practice to best serve these women.


Nompelelo Boucher

ORCID Scholar ID# 0000-0001-5241-8079
