
Lori Woehler, Psy.D. is a 2021 graduate of the PsyD Program in Clinical Psychology at Antioch University, Seattle.

Dissertation Committee

Christopher Heffner, PhD, Committee Chair

Michael Sakuma, PhD, Committee Member

Jeffrey Hansen, PhD, Committee Member


addiction, behavioral addiction, internet addiction, identity, personality, alternative model personality disorders

Document Type


Publication Date



Internet addictive use inclusive of inextricably interconnected mobile devices, applications, and social media predicts diminished Self and Interpersonal functioning. Internet addiction research is burdened by conflicting theoretical views, lack of standardized definitions and criteria, and the use of assessment measures adapted from those used for substance use disorders. Alternative and dimensional diagnostic models for internet addiction through a psychosocial developmental lens might further understanding of Internet addiction and reduce challenges which impact the ability to advance research and achieve clinically useful, culturally informed, and evidence-based practices for the assessment and treatment of Internet addiction.


Lori Woehler, PsyD, 2021

ORCID Scholar ID# 0000-0003-2353-6521
