
Nicole M. Wengerd, Ph.D., is a 2018 graduate of the Ph.D. Program in Environmental Studies at Antioch University, New England

Dissertation Committee:

  • Beth Kaplin, Ph.D., Committee Chair
  • Jean Kayira, Ph.D., Committee Member
  • George Kajembe, Ph.D., Committee Member


Protected Area, Conservation, Biocultural Diversity, Asset-Based Community Development

Document Type


Publication Date



Given the uncertainties and risks of anthropogenic climate change, the urgency to conserve biodiversity has renewed urgency that has prompted a number of international forums, treaties, and agencies to advocate for the establishment of new and/or expansion of existing protected areas. One of the most broadly recognized efforts to expand the global protected area network can be found in the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, outlined in the Convention on Biological Diversity Strategic Plan for 2011-2020, adopted in 2010 by 196 countries. Target 11 calls for the expansion of terrestrail and inland water areas, as well as coastal marine areas. While the number of designated protected areas has more than doubled in less than 25 years, how to achieve the more qualitative elements of Aichi Biodiversity Target 11, specifically how to manage protected areas effectively and equitably has been a more challenging task. This research focuses on supporting quality local stakeholder participation in protected area planning and management as a method of achieving these elements. Using key components of a biocultural approach and the principles and methods of asset-based community development, the following articles examine if and how an approach that combines these concepts can be a useful tool in achieving Target 11’s mandate of more effective and equitable PA management.


Nicole M. Wengerd

ORCID Scholar ID# 0000-0001-7389-6272
