Alan Pierce, PhD, an independent researcher, specializing in non-timber forest
products and forest policy, is a 2014 graduate of the PhD Program in Environmental Studies at Antioch University
Submissions from 2025
Nature Interaction Assists with Coping and Resilience: An Interaction Pattern Approach with Adolescents with Histories of Trauma in a Youth Group Home, Chrystal L. Dunker
Submissions from 2024
From the Ground Up: A Complex Systems Approach to Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture, Karen Buchsbaum
Aging in Place with a Warming Climate: Housing Design and Policies for Aging with Extreme Heat, Nichole M. Kain
Navigating the Noise: Implications of Increasing Ship Noise for an Arctic Ocean Soundscape, Andrea Lynn
Submissions from 2023
Adaptive Regulation for Ecosystem Restoration: A Context for Effective Environmental Permitting, Jennifer M. Auger
Children Tell Landscape-Lore among Perceptions of Place: Relating Ecocultural Digital Stories in a Conscientizing/Decolonizing Exploration, Meredith Jean Bird Miller
Artistic Engagement with Monadnock: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study, Jonathan W. Coffin
Diving to New Depths: An Exploration of Aquarium Visitors' Reflection at a Shark Exhibit, Nicole Leigh Conklin
To Change Everything, We Need Everyone: Belonging, Equity, and Diversity in the U.S. Climate Movement, Clara Changxin Fang
Eating Change: A Critical Autoethnography of Community Gardening and Social Identity, Jessica Gerrior
Forest Bathing Increases Adolescent Mental Well-being And Connection To Nature: A Transformative Mixed Methods Study, Jennifer Keller
Land Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring Interested Parties Perspectives on Cameroon's Land Tenure and Land Law Reform, Jacques Kenjio
The Walls at the Ends of Empires: Towards a Political Ecology of the Imperial Border, Benjamin Allen Stahnke
Submissions from 2022
It Permeated Everything: A Lived Experience of Slow Violence and Toxicological Disaster, Tara Jo Holmberg
Speaking of Transformation: Discourse, Values, and Climate Adaptation Planning in San Antonio, Texas, Lindsay Ratcliffe
The Traveling Memories Project: A Digital Collection of Lived Experiences of Teachers Who Served in the 1961 Cuban Literacy Campaign, Kimberly Waller
Exploring the Potential of Online Education and College Students' Connection to Nature, Michael Weinstein
Submissions from 2021
Building Urban Resilience in New York City, Eliseo Magsambol Cubol
Using Principles of Seascape Ecology to Consider Relationships Between Spatial Patterning and Mobile Marine Vertebrates in a Seagrass-Mangrove Ecotone in Bimini, Bahamas, Sarah Rebecca Taylor Driscoll
Managing Natural Resources Through Vulnerability Analysis: An Applied Case Study into Recreational Activities at Coral Reefs in Puerto Rico, Karin Jakubowski
Decolonizing Food Systems Research – The Case of Household Agricultural Food Access in Bikotiba, Togo, Katryna Maria Kibler
Assessment of the Potential for Youth Engagement in Mountain Gorilla Conservation in Uganda, Samson Elijah Werikhe
Submissions from 2020
Analysis of European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade Efficacy: A Multi-Scale Perspective, Marshall Adams
The Human Dimensions and Spatial Ecology of Poaching and Implications for Red Wolf Survival, Suzanne Agan
Wildland Fire Disturbance - Recovery Dynamics in Upland Forests at Acadia National Park, Maine, Jessica E. Charpentier
Anthropogenic Impacts and Influence On African Painted Dogs (Lycaon Pictus), Tammy Cloutier
A Pedagogy of Hope: Levers of Change in Transformative Place-based Learning Systems, Michelle G. Heaton
The Power of a Profound Experience with Nature, Becky N. Mathers
Assessing Benefits and Barriers to Deployment of Solar Mini Grids in Ghanaian Rural Island Communities, Jude T. Nuru
Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Opportunities for Reducing Human-Wolf Conflicts in Mongolia, Tuul Sukhbaatar
Using Environmental Identity To Promote Environmental Concern and Willingness To Participate In Endangered Species Conservation, Christina M. Wesolek
Submissions from 2019
A Multi-Scale Analysis of Jaguar (Panthera onca) and Puma (Puma concolor) Habitat Selection and Conservation in the Narrowest Section of Panama., Kimberly A. Craighead
Emergence: Developing Worldview in the Environmental Humanities, Rhonda D. Davis
Following the Seed: Investigating Seed Saving and Network Creation in the Appalachian Region of Southeastern Ohio, Molly Hicks
Habitat Characteristics and Nesting Ecology of Golden Eagles in Arizona, Michele J. Losee
Voices of Bangladeshi Environmental Youth Leaders: A Narrative Study, Paige Pappianne
Environmental Policy Assessment in the Ghanaian Gold Mining Industry: Insights from Stakeholders, Francis Tuokuu
Submissions from 2018
Landscape Visualization: Influence on Engagement for Climate Resilience, Christa Daniels
Analysis of Land Use/Land Cover Change Impacts Upon Ecosystem Services in Montane Tropical Forest of Rwanda: Forest Carbon Assessment and REDD+ Preparedness, McArd Joseph Mlotha
Exploring Perceptions of the Potential of Agricultural Insurance for Crop Risks Management Among Smallholder Farmers in Northern Ghana, John Bosco Baguri Sumani
Exploring Lifelong Influence of Participating in the Junior Audubon Club During Childhood, Amy Weidensaul
Protected Area Planning and Management: Supporting Local Stakeholder Participation with an Asset-Based, Biocultural Approach, Nicole M. Wengerd
Smallholder Farmers, Environmental Change and Adaptation in a Human-Dominated Landscape in the Northern Highlands of Rwanda, Apollinaire William
Submissions from 2017
From Disposable Culture to Disposable People: Teaching About the Unintended Consequences of Plastics, Sasha Adkins
A Poetics of Food in the Bahamas: Intentional Journeys Through Food, Consciousness, and the Aesthetic of Everyday Life, Hilary B. Booker
Russell Lord and the Permanent Agriculture Movement: An Environmental Biography, Margaret L. Eppig
Understanding Community Character as a Socio-ecological Framework to Enhance Local-scale Adaptation: An Interdisciplinary Case Study from Rural Northwest Connecticut, Joanna Wozniak-Brown
Submissions from 2016
Building & Measuring Psychological Capacity for Biodiversity Conservation, Kayla A. Cranston
Making Meaning Together: The role of interpretation during a short-term nature excursion, Kate Jurow
Designing for Online Collaborations and Local Environmental Action In Citizen Science: A Multiple Case Study, Ruth Kermish-Allen
Nature as Spiritual Lived Experience: How Five Christian Theologians Encounter the Spirit In and Through the Natural World, Brad A. Martell
Opportunities for Conversion to More Sustainable Practices by Houses of Worship through Team Performance Enhancing Strategies that Include Leadership with Facilitative Skills, Carolina Del Carmen Saiz
Piglets and Perspectives: Exploring Sustainability Communication Through Participatory Filmmaking, Dyanna Innes Smith
Collaboration in Conservation Networks: Regional Conservation Partnerships in New England, Jill L. Weiss
Submissions from 2015
Weed Women, All Night Vigils, and the Secret Life of Plants: Negotiated Epistemologies of Ethnogynecological Plant Knowledge in American History, Claudia Jeanne Ford
Smart Partnerships: How Higher Education Institutions Can Enhance the Capacity of the UN to Govern the Global Commons, Melissa Goodall
Nurturing The Aesthetic: Learning to Care for the Environment in a Waldorf School, Melissa A. Grella
Ecosystem-Based Management and Refining Governance Of Wind Energy in the Massachusetts Coastal Zone: A Case Study Approach, Enid C. Kumin
Matrix and Edge Effects on the Maintenance of Ecological Function in an Afromontane Protected Area, Robin M. Martino
Neo-Homesteading in the Adirondack North Country: Crafting a Durable Landscape, Brett R. McLeod
Scales of Resilience: Community Stability, Population Dynamics, and Molecular Ecology of Brook Trout in a Riverscape after a Large Flood, Erin V. Rodgers
Ramapough/Ford The Impact and Survival of an Indigenous Community in the Shadow of Ford Motor Company’s Toxic Legacy, Chuck Stead
Ridazz, Wrenches, and Wonks: A Revolution on Two Wheels Rolls Into Los Angeles, Donald Parker Strauss
Submissions from 2014
Just Farming: An Environmental Justice Perspective on the Capacity of Grassroots Organizations to Support the Rights of Organic Farmers and Laborers, Rebecca Elaine Berkey
Message Matters: Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to Increase Household Hazardous Waste Program Participation, Amy Dyer Cabaniss
From Alarm to Action: Closing the Gap Between Belief and Behavior in Response to Climate Change, Kathryn Laing Doherty
The Distance from Necessity: A Bourdieusian Analysis of Gathering Practices in Vermont, Alan Robert Pierce
Submissions from 2013
A History of Place: Using Phytolith Analysis to Discern Holocene Vegetation Change on Sanak Island, Western Gulf of Alaska, Cricket C. Wilbur
Submissions from 2012
The Effect of Disinfectants, Cleaning, and Drying Practices on Oriental Rugs Flooded with Contaminated River Water: Public Health and Policy Implications, Daniel Bernazzani
Formative Research and Community Resilience: A Case of Under Addressed Youth Problem Gambling, Michea Caye
Patterns of Seasonal Variation in Diet, Abundance, and Movement of the Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) in southern Belize, Mark Stephen McReynolds
Explainers' Development of Science-Learner Identities Through Participation in a Community of Practice, Anne E. Richardson
The Management Of Feral Pig Socio-Ecological Systems In Far North Queensland, Australia, Gabriela Shuster
Submissions from 2011
The Role of Nature in John Muir's Conception of the Good Life, Randy R. Larsen
Dormant Ethnobotany: A Case Study of Decline in Regional Plant Knowledge in the Bull Run Mountains of Virginia, Susan Rene Leopold
Restoring Relationships: Indigenous Ways of Knowing Meet Undergraduate Environmental Studies and Science, Nancy Leigh Rich
A Qualitative Approach to Spiral of Silence Research: Self-Censorship Narratives Regarding Environmental and Social Conflict, Christopher John Ryan
Submissions from 2010
Caretakers of the Garden of Delight and Discontent: Adirondack Narrative, Conflict, and Environmental Virtue, Eric Richard Holmlund
Female Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Reproductive Class and Male-Female Interactions during the Breeding Season, Meagan E. Jones
The Transition Zone: Impact of Riverbanks on Emergent Dragonfly Nymphs. Implications for Riverbank Restoration and Management, Kirsten Hope Martin
Participatory Planning for a Promised Land: Citizen-Led, Comprehensive Land Use Planning in New York’s Adirondack Park, Ann Hope Ruzow Holland
Monkey Brains and Monkey Bars: An ecological approach to the values of school recess, Emily L. Stanley
Forest Edge Effects on the Behavioral Ecology of L'Hoest's Monkey (Cercopithecus lhoesti) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, Tharcisse Ukizintambara
Submissions from 2009
Flame, Furnace, Fuel: Creating Kansas City in the Nineteenth Century, Twyla Dell
An Examination of Environmental Collective Identity Development Across Three Life-stages: The Contribution of Social Public Experiences at Zoos, John Robert Fraser
Dispersion of large-seeded tree species by two forest primates: primate seed handling, microhabitat variability, and post-dispersal seed fate, Nicole D. Gross-Camp
Toward a More Wholly Communion: Cultivating Ecological Enlightenment and Sustainable Action in Christians, Cary Hauptman Gaunt
How Hospital Environmental Managers Learn Compliance: A Learning Process Model, Victoria Anne Jas