
Kylie Schwabe, PsyD, is a 2024 graduate of the PsyD Program in Clinical Psychology at Antioch University, Seattle.

Dissertation Committee

Melissa Kennedy, PhD, Committee Chair

William Heusler, PhD, Committee Member

Kristi Lemm, PhD, Committee Member


internalized sexism, internalized misogyny, intersectional feminism, interpretative phenomenological analysis, womanhood, young adults, intersectionality, feminism, feminist theory

Document Type


Publication Date



The present study utilized Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis in order to examine the lived experiences of young adult, cisgender women and the development of internalized sexism. Eight participants completed semi–structured interviews focused on their relationships with other women and subsequent views of womanhood. Themes found were (a) womanhood is taught by women throughout the lifespan, (b) women are sexually responsible for men, (c) women are emotional caregivers, (d) there are biological bases of womanhood, (e) women are expected to “do it all,” (f) expectations of women are fueled by media portrayal, (g) traditional femininity is seen as oppositional to the feminist movement, and (h) womanhood is a community. The results of the study found that young adult women hold similar beliefs and attitudes surrounding what it means to be a woman. Additionally, young adult women’s perceptions of womanhood are similarly influenced by common external factors that stem from society’s sexism and misogyny and lead to behaviors of internalized sexism. This dissertation is available in open access at AURA ( and OhioLINK ETD Center (


Kylie Schwabe, PsyD, 2024

ORCID Scholar ID# 0009-0009-6219-8511
