
Heather J. Aaron, Ed.D., is a 2024 graduate of the Ed.D. program in Educational and Professional Practice at Antioch University.


Dissertation Committee:

Gary Delanoeye, EdD, Chairperson

Lesley Jackson, PhD, Committee Member

Emiliano Gonzalez, PhD, Committee Member


lead poisoning, education, remediation, housing, critical theory

Document Type


Publication Date



Children lead poisoning disease causes irreversible neurological damage in children (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2022). The effects are lifelong for the children poisoned and their families. A major cause of childhood lead poisoning is the ingestion of peeling paint in old homes. Leaded paint was banned by the federal government in 1978 (Mayo Clinic, 2022). Leaded paint is mostly found in dwellings constructed before 1978. The purpose of this study is to identify barriers, social justice parameters, and solutions to and for the eradication of childhood lead poisoning in Connecticut. The methodology used was a qualitative interview design with a cross section of professionals working in the community in Connecticut. Key findings were the lack of education on childhood lead poisoning in community and the lack of state and federal enforcement to landlords and property owners for requiring remediation. The implication of this research is far reaching in bringing the knowledge of the impact of lead poisoning to the community. The data will allow for advocacy, accountability, and transparency in the delivery of services for children who are being poisoned in environments they cannot control. This dissertation is available in open access at AURA ( and Ohio LINK ETD Center (


ORCID: 0009-0003-4055-2563
